(Note: this problem was originally described in
http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=39466, but since no solution was given there, I will try my luck)
First some stats:
Windows: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Messenger: 6.2.0205
Messenger Plus!: 3.50.0122 (latest beta afaik)
Until now, I was using version 0.7.39 without any problems. It worked fine.
Recently, I've found screenshots lying around that show a different interface than the one I recognized. I figured there must be a newer version, and went to the site (www.stuffplug.com). Downloaded latest version - StuffPlug-NG 2.1.243 - And when installing I get a weird message:
Choosing "yes" (left button), just closes the installer. Choosing "no" begins the installation process, but gets stuck about half-way through, with the file sp.ico. The progress bar just goes crazy, and the installer sticks with the same file, without moving. The only way to close the installer is through Task Manager.
I've tried uninstalling and re-installing StuffPlug, with no luck. I've also tried un-installing Plus! completely and re-installing - again, that didn't work.
I hope someone here could help me solve this issue, as I really want to use the newest version. I've heard it has more features and is more stable.