Originally posted by zaher1988
Yes, even if you're the last one to reply. The time between double-posts must be justified. Or you can do what I told you before.
You can post before that but thats against the rules.
Do what regexp said. Post once (ie it will cause the double post but if you make a double post then copy the last message that you typed and then edit your previous post and put it there

Meh i made it confusing .... just do what regexp said
There are a few things that i think you must read apart from the rules. They take about 5 - 10 mins in total but will make you understand what are the do's and the donts. Apart from that if you dont understand any point then the members here will be glad to clarify your problem.
My must reads are :-
Post reporting guidelines
Community Behaviour and Spam
User titles/stars
And well ..... the
rules if you havent already read them
I forgot to tell you. You can find any of these threads at anytime under the forum named
Forum And Website as they are made stickies there meaning that they shall always remain on the top there
Also if you need any help in using the features of the forum then you can click the
help link which lies beside the log out, shoutbox and rules options
You might wanna read the [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/misc.php?action=help