dylan!, I suggest you first try some basic VB samples and coding, what you're asking for is more then you can handle (atm), even the media player is much more difficult then you think.
Grab some beginners book for VB, or at least learn to use the help files which come with VB (Press F1 very regulary and almost with each command you type, property you use, etc. to know exactly what it means and does). Online tutorials are also good to learn. But stick with the basics, and until you master that try some more difficult things gradually.
Btw, the send message stuff you wanted to do is very advanced and shouldn't be attempted until you are very experienced in VB; it is of nu use that we answer all your single questions, as that would make this thread 6541641 pages long because you will encounter error after error and problem after problem
This is not to put you down or something, but you don't run when you can't walk... You need to start at the beginning, not somewhere in the middle or even beyond that
To illustrate:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
End Sub
1) Why do you use the properties like "Left", "Width" and not "Form.Left", "Form.Width", etc?
2) Why do you use "\" and not "/"?
File1.Pattern = ("*.wma")
1) What is the meaning in VB of the brackets if you use them like that?
2) What is use of the .Pattern property and how to you use it exactly?
Private Sub Command2_Click()
If AudioPlayer.Mode = 524 Then Exit Sub
If AudioPlayer.Mode <> 525 Then
AudioPlayer.Wait = True
AudioPlayer.Command = "Stop"
End If
AudioPlayer.Wait = True
AudioPlayer.Command = "Close"
End Sub
1) Put all that in a decent IF.. THEN...ELSE structure
2) Put all that in a SELECT CASE structure....
All these questions are basic VB stuff to know....
Happy learning and experimenting