Originally posted by John Anderton
Clear out my ram (With rambooster or something ?)
RAM optimisers do nothing good for your system. What most do is start taking up enourmous amounts of RAM, forcing the OS to push everything else out of physical RAM and into swap/page file. The self proclaimed "optimiser" then frees up all the memory it was using, and you are left with all your applications in swapfile instead of physical RAM. This is why if an "optimiser" shows you a memory usage graph, the graph almost hits the top, and the comes back down.
RAM is the fastest (excepting CPU caches) memory your computer has. That's it; the fastest. In miniscule amounts of time, data in RAM is used by the CPU. The much slower swapfile is just a reserve to be used when more RAM is required than the total available.
Ideally, you want your RAM to be close to full, for the best performance, because it's the fastest there is. If you run out of RAM, the OS will shift the least accessed bits of code out of physical RAM into swap.
An "optimser" tips all this upside does, moving nearly all of the used memory off fast physical RAM, onto much slower swap. The freed up memory which it tells you will be the amount of physical RAM that is now wasted, because if the "optimiser" hadn't expanded itself taking up lost of RAM, your productive appilcations would be on physical RAM, which is where they perform best, due to the greatly increased speed of accessing physical RAM compared to swapfile on hard disk.
Ummm ... so about your computer crashing ... use the VS edition if you can find it (and let us know where to get it), or use the beattiful "Windows XP, Blue (default)" VS instead