Originally posted by Animal
info on it yeah but not mpl4 beta no
I guess I'm confused...
"mpl4" is this current beta?
Anyway, it was an accident like I all ready said. I wasn't aware making the emails public was a problem.
I've had it all explained to me now.
Just let it go. If Patchou wants to talk to me about it, he will. I don't need any more arguments from anyone else.
I don't appreciate how quick some of you are to jump to conclusions when you don't know me, and just assume from that ordeal I can't be trusted.
I was at work during when this all happened. If I could've resolved it sooner, I would've.
One last thing, you other testers shouldn't have linked to my blog, since what I posted was such an issue. What you should've done is not have posted links to it, and instead had only just PM'd Patchou and I. I also would've appreciated waiting until I was online again to discuss this with me instead of going over board and removing me. (This online/away thing here confuses me, it looks like you have to set it yourself and it's not automatic. Maybe to everyone I looked online at the time when I really am not.)
Let the topic get back on topic now please.