EDIT: only thing that was found was a few tracking cookies from advert sites... so its not that AFAIK... any other possible reasons? thanks..
i googled 'windows media player cpu usage' and some people are having the same problem... or have had. and what i kept seeing was nvidia geforce
surprise surprise! ive got an nvidia geforce fx 5200.... ive been using google and looking on the nvidia website but i cant seem to find any drivers (because i want to try and update them to see if this rectifies the problem...
does anyone know where i can get a decent copy of nvidia geforce fx 5200 drivers... i dont want to download them off of a non-nvidia website just for safety and so far google cant find me that.
http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_84.21.html is the download i found.... its downloading right now
but the instructions say
Originally posted by nvidia driver instal instructions
Before installing new drivers make sure you uninstall all NVIDIA display drivers from the Windows Control Panel. Browse to the Start Menu > Windows Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and search for "NVIDIA Windows Display Drivers" or "NVIDIA Display Drivers" and select remove.
will uninstalling display drivers mean i cant see whats on the screen