Hello everyone,
I just take this little moment to let you know that Messenger Plus! 2.10 will be released next sunday, during the night. It contains a lot of fixes (don't expect a lot of new features), a lot of internal improvements (Windows Messenger 5 and Windows 2003 compatibility, ...) and multi-language support. 27 languages will be distributed with this version, more will be available some weeks after (a new section will be created on this forum to encourage about translation).
Also, the new msgplus.net site will be released the same day. A lot of information will be available on it, I hope you'll all check it out. Also, in addition of donation and merchandise, I've added a third supprot option, almost free for everyone: you can send me a postcard
. I look forward to collect postcards from all over the world, it will be a great way from you to support Messenger Plus!.
Well, there is still much work to do.
Enjoy life!