I screwed with the DB of the forum before this one so we lost all the posts, that was when I had it with free remotely hosted forums. So I opened a topic asking for help so we could host our own forum somewhere. Surfi was the really cool guy that helped us out together with wj
. User ID #3!
My life on the Plus! forums actually started on the very first forum (this is the 3rd forum, or even 4th if you count DevBB and MyBB as two). Was already using Plus! before they even had the first forum (which had no user registration, everyone posting as guest
), so I can officially say I’ve been here since the beginning
And how I started using Plus? I was looking for something to get rid of the MSN banner, and googling for that i came to a
http://www.tek-tips.com/ forum topic that recommended Plus! (version 1.10 at that time)