I didn't say it was bad . I just said it looks like a blog. And the huge black copyright bar doesn't look really nice. It's too much dark in this 'happy' 'friendly' (meant for the colors don't find the right word atm) site.
This post was edited on 12-18-2006 at 03:03 PM by ins4ne.
quote:Originally posted by Weyzza
And I prefer the sidebar to be placed on the left because users with low resolution monitors or with small browser windows might not be able to see it.
People don't always have browser windows maximized.
quote:Originally posted by ins4ne
And I prefer the sidebar to be placed on the left because users with low resolution monitors or with small browser windows might not be able to see it.
People don't always have browser windows maximized.
Still its not hard to use percentage for the width values.
This post was edited on 12-18-2006 at 09:38 PM by Nathan.
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