Originally posted by mag_sol76
Using this script and it works great. However, is there a way to disable the toast "typing invisible enabled". It annoys me that this shows up everytime I log in.
Itīs problably an easy setting in the script but I now nothing of working in the scripts
No this can not be disabled by setting some option as such an option doesn't exist.
However, you can remove the displaying of the toast yourself by editing the script:
1) Go your the
Plus! menu on top of the contactlist
2) Open
3) Go to
General >
4) In the list, find the script
TypingInvisible and highlight it
5) Press on the
Edit button
6) In the Script Editor, scroll to
line 24 and put
// in front of
7) Press on
Save All and then on
However, the toast is not intrusive, it doesn't slow things down, it will dissapear automatically, it doesn't freeze stuff, etc... So I don't see how it can be annoying though.... but that's MHO.