Originally posted by somelauw
I don't have economy, but aren't that cartels or is it even more complicated. Can someone explain?
Me neither, but even if it is a cartel, who's gonna step up to it? I mean, the fact that weed can be sold in a coffeeshop doesn't make it legal. That's the downside of the "gedoogbeleid". On paper, the coffeeshops don't even officially sell weed so that part of the sales can not be checked at all and thus, they can not be punished if they don't stick to the rules with that part of the sales (as far as rules apply in this matter)
Originally posted by somelauw
If drugs were illegal the quality would probably be worse. But I think the quality should be checked more often by inspectors.
I'm not too sure of that.
Weed in the Netherlands isn't legal, it is "gedoogd", which means it is still illegal, but the police won't act against you if you stay within certain limits. You are allowed to carry 5grams for your own use and you can grow up to 5 plants, also for own use. For the coffeeshop suppliers they make an exception, they are allowed to carry up to 500g at a time. Again, this all isn't legal, it's "gedoogd". And that's only about possession.
Selling weed is something the police will always act upon, except in coffeeshops, where selling weed (only by coffeeshop personell, not customers) is "gedoogd".
So the thing is: professional growing, the stage which is most important to the quality, is already illegal anyway.
Also, if I buy weed in the coffeeshop (gedoogd), the quality is lower than when I buy it at my dealer (illegal).
So the completely illegal way gives me better quality that the "less illegal, but still illegal" way.