Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Originally posted by warmth
I can think LOTS of situations where you can use this info displayed there
So name some...
If you found them and wanted to talk to them, find them on your contact list, which is why it is there. The Contact cleanup window is there to review who you have or have not spoken to recently.
You enter to the contact cleanup window and find:
1. a good friend of you... you haven't talked in awhile... you wanna talk to him/her now... and you need to know if he is online/busy/etc...
2. a good friend of you have removed from his/her contact list... and you wanna talk to him/her to know why... (maybe was a mistake, an error or he/she lost his/her contact list) and you need to know if he is online/busy/etc...
3. a friend/partner you removed from your contac list for any reason (either intentionally or by an error), and you wanna talk to him... and you need to know if he is online/busy/etc... [THIS IS WITH THE NEW FEATURE PATCHOU ANNOUNCED IN THE SCREENSHOTS]
4. that you just wanna know a contact status without open the contact list again (thinking you closed it after open the cleanup list)...
5. that as equal you know in the cleanup list who you blocked... you wanna know wich is the status of all your contacts...
think about this... why is a "Send Message" button??? the reason is obvious... to send a message direct without having to go to the contact list... so how you can send a message to someone you don't know its status...