Ok, i was bored so i made this.
I think i have a virus or a bot infecting my messenger!
1.0 How do I know if i have a virus or a bot accessing my account or messenger?
If you think theres a bot accessing your account or infected onto your windows live messenger you must see some sort of sign. It is a virus or a spyware bot if:
1. Your getting advertisements via windows live messenger toasts.
2. Your sending links to other people when you are offline.
3. Your getting pop-ups et via windows live messenger (make shure its not the plus sponser. If it is and you want to get rid of it
click here!)
1.2 How to get rid of the advertisement virus (pc related)
Well, if your getting advertisements from windows live messenger and your shure its not the plus sponsor also you are sending links to people when you are online heres what to do.
First of all log into hotmail and change your account password ans secret question.
Now you must remove all ad-ons for windows live messenger. Restart and log into windows live messenger. If its fixed yay!
If not you need to uninstall messenger by going to START>CONTROLPANEL>ADD OR REMOVE PROGRAMS>WINDOWS LIVE MESSENER. Once you have done that you need to have a look trough your program files and look for anything that looks dodgy or you didn't remember installing. If you see some, google it to see if its safe or not. If it is not remove it
but please post it here first. Once you have done that restart.
Now you need to download anti-virus and spyware cleaners. Run them on your machine and if they detect anything bad delete the files as soon as possible. Now restart and boot in safe mode and the same as you just did and rescan your pc.
1.3 People are saying that i am sending them links when i wasn't even online!
Most of the timer all you need to do is login to hotmail and change your password and your secret question. Once you have done this that should be it. If it happens again you may have a keylogger on your pc.
1.4 How can I prevent this from happing again?
Don't give your password to websites that says that they can tell you who unblocked you. In fact don't give anyone or anything your password. If you do they go on your account and end links and advertise to your contacts. Also don't except files that people are sending you unless you scan them with an anti virus first.
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