Originally posted by davidpolitis
Well, when I used XMLSpy to format his XML the other day, it never complained and neither has his editor.
i also use xmlspy and validate with the schema so either ive put in a syntactically correct piece of code that validates ok but stops my skin from running properly upon executions or theres a problem with my uifiles, however as im not getting a skin trace come back now since redoing my 1001 definitions file i dont see how it could be the uifiles as if it were them they would cause a skin trace.
so the question is if my skininfo is perfectly validated by the schema and nothings wrong with my uifiles then why does my skin not run?
A.E. i will be looking at your multivalue tutorial later tonight to try and code in the plusskin thingys into my ui file ill, my skin doesnt run anyway at present for some unknown reason so i can hardly make things worse by trying to do this modification lol.