Can you change the quote to say Cookie instead of Mattisdada? Thanks
Turning off system restore is a good idea, they can hide in there in an area where even the best AV's cant go, not all of it is locked off to externall software, just certain bits, viruses can hide in there.
The best plan is to do this
1. Scan for viruses and spyware BEFORE reseting.
2. Reset into Safe Mode and scan
3. Once viruses have been netrulised, wipe system restore.
4. If viruses cant be netrulised, try restoring (With system Restore).
Wipe system restore last as, not all viruses store themselves there as well, so its possible to recover from them via system restore as a last resort. But wipe System Restore to fully get rid of them if they are hiding away in there after youve netrulised them from your system.
Having a virturall machine is always handy, have it run a minmal version of XP(Just to save boot times in it, thats the annoying part of them
), and stick all downloaded software that looks at least half suspicious, wheather or not its an attachment, dodgy download, shareware or WLM sent file.
And spyware can be just as leathal as Viruses, remember this, have a decent Spyware Scanner! I recommend Spyware Doctor (Bit of a system hog), and XoftSpy(If you want a really light quick, but still relitively powerfull AS)