Originally posted by wipey
I jus need to know the kinds of things that can be done with them really
If you can't do some thing with API, you can't do it. Windows provides a lot of functions (more than 900) that help to the programmers to make more things with their programms. In fact,
all programms call at least one API. All the things a program does, like open files, play sounds, show windows, etc... are done through API, althrough you don't call APIs explicitly in your program.
Originally posted by [Wouter]
Api = 
APIs are needed. Imagine you are in VB and want to change the caption of your window. Just type Form1.Caption = "New text". Easy, isn't it? Well, now suppose you want to change the text of a window that you don't below. A window of other program. What can you do? You can't use the .Caption property. You need API.
I suggest you to read this article:
http://www.pietschsoft.com/programming/vbapi/articles/intro/index.html or, at least,
the 1st point.