I was looking @ some old shit I found in my colset and came across a 1995 PC gaming magazine. For the hell of it, I skimmed through it and found an article about the PC of the new millenium.

"Within the next 5 years, I believe we'll see computers surpass the 1 Ghz mark, and grow above and beyond the 2 and 3 Ghz marks not too long after that. After testing some of Intel's new technology, I am confident their upcomming Intel Pentium III Processors will be able to reach this goal. One of the top exectutives at Intel has even speculated seeing a Pentium 4 processor by 1998. With the ever advancing technology of today, I think it's fairly safe to say we'll have a Computer with a processor with the following specifications withing the next 3 or 4 years:
Intel Pentium 4 - 2.0 Ghz
512 mb ram
64 mb video card
and more!
With computers like that, who knows what kind of mouth-watering graphics we can expect in the near future!"
and another article's headline was
Sony to rival Nintendo for the console market!
Specifications for these amazing consoles revealed!"
(I modified it a bit, the article was like 4 times as long as that and I was not about to re-type that much

