On Monday I went to Disney to see Patchou and Fraisie and Fraisie's sisters. I would have posted these pics earlier but they were all on Fra's camera and they didn't get back until last night, so they emailed me all the pics to post. I live in Florida, about 3 hours from Disney, however, I drove about 90 - 100 mph so I got there in 2 hours

It was really cool to meet Patchou, he's really awesome in person, less geeky than I had pictured (Though we had a conversation about RAIDs, 21 inch monitors and Plus!'s new feature). Really great guy, only hung out with him for a short time but it was definately awesome.
Fra's cool as well, very awesome person, everyone should meet Fra!
I didn't really talk much to Fra's sisters, mostly because they speak French and I don't. Anyway, here's the pic you've all been waiting for:
They always take the picture at the wrong time when I'm laughing or something stupid like that

. Oh well, the pics are a bit too big to post so here's the links:
Group Picture, Left to Right: Isabelle, Plus!Babe, Fraisie, Patchou, DX, DX's friend.
DX and Patchou conversing.
DX and Patchou, conversing more.
DX and Patchou posing for a pic.
Fra, DX and Isabelle posing for a pic.
I think the funniest thing is Patchou actually calls me DX. I called him Cyril. Heh

I wonder if he even knows my name
Oh, and they brought me some Canadian maple syrup, good stuff, best syrup ever.