I keep coming back because I like this place, I like most of the people in it. It's actually very hard for me to fit in a community, so once I seem to fit, I try to have fun and keep that "status".
I also try to write in English, because it's a very good language and I don't get to use it anywhere else.
I can't remember why I came here. I suppose I came for help, as most people do. I remember I didn't start posting right away, but maybe a few weeks later.
I've been a moderator in another forum because I kept helping people with programming. It wasn't a community at all, it was more like a helpdesk thing. It was exhausting, because there was nothing else to do. We didn't get to talk about stuff.
This is what I like of these forums. You're not supposed to be helping 24/7, you can talk to your pals or other forum members, you can rest your mind and help when you're ready (and know how to help). So that gives me more reasons to come back.
I haven't been on that other forum for a year.
Sorry for the long post, but things like this need to be said.