I checked one out a couple of weeks ago, with the owner showing me why it is "the shit".
Mac is much simpler than Windows, all your images are in the images library, all your music is in the music library etc. Whenever you want to use a file that you have.
For example, add a song into a video that you are editing, you just go to "add music", and it will have your library there for you, to easily choose the song you want. The same would happen with other files. On Windows you wuld have had to remember where you saved the clip, and what the filename was. You would have had to go through bazillions of folders, and possibly pick the wrong file.
Also, you can't forget how awesome they are as gaming machines, just watch
Switch Parody (Quicktime, of course) and see for yourself.
I really hated Apple until recently, and I still don't like them. I wouldn't mind owning a Mac (I want a PowerBook!) but I wouldn't throw away Windows as my favourite OS.