It would be nice to have the option to encrypt old chat logs that were never originally encrypted, through MsgPlus so you wouldn't have to use a separate encryption program!
If they're all Msgplus! log files you should be able to do this... Go into the Plus! Preferences panel. Decrypt all your chat logs. Then re-encrypt them all.
I haven't tested this but I'm pretty sure it'll work.
Yeah that works to an extent - thanks! Unfortunately though I found a problem.
All my logfiles in the root folder were encrypted when I did this, along with those in the folder 'December 2005'.
Note I reinstalled Windows around December 20th, and no chatlogs / folders exist for September or November (was away).
It did not encrypt any chatlogs in the folders 'August 2005' (or 'September 2004' which happen to be randomly in there). These are folders/chatlogs created by msnplus, using the same msn account.
And choose to unencrypt, only unencrypts those in the root directory now. Pain!
This post was edited on 01-01-2006 at 05:02 PM by just_a_name.
That would be a great feature, if encryption of old chat logs would work, because my chat logs date back to 2002 and right now I don't encrypt any as it would be weird to have some encrypted and some not.
The way I do: move the unencrypted ones to My Chat Logs folder and set a password for them. When it's done, move the encrypted logs to the original folders.
To save more time, make sure you don't have any encrypted logs in My Chat Logs folder when you're doing the above procedure. That way, you can assign the password directly.