Some of you may remember a few months ago, when I posted a thread about creating a Messenger Plus! forum charity, where people donate and money is sent to a charity, or lots of different charities in the name of the Messenger Plus! community.
Well about a six weeks ago, I decided to revive the idea, so I discussed it with Patchou and he agreed so I gathered a team (Myself, Patchou, Chris Boulton and MenthiX) and got to work on the website. While working on the website, Patchou and MenthiX guided and helped with the paypal set up, while Chris Boulton coded the php (the complicated stuff

The first target we have is to raise $500 for a charity of your choice, this will be in the name of the forum, so everybody who donates will get their name put down and it will be sent off to who donated, or of course simply placed on the website if there are too many names (hopefully there will be lots!!!).
I am going to be making another thread after this one, asking for ideas on the charities to donate the money to. One idea we did have was to either sponsor a child or simply donate the money to certain things, for example: buying a kit for a farmer in Africa to grow crops, or buy 100 school dinners for children. But, it is all up to you (obviously they have to be serious charities).
The website isn't hosted on because Patchou doesn't have the time to manage that aswell as his great piece of software. So the site will be managed by myself, chris boulton and menthix. The management also includes managing the donations that are receieved (which are, unfortunately, only accepted by credit/debit card and paypal via. the donate button on the website).
So please donate! It's for a good cause!!! Also, a donator will be selected at random (regardless of how much they donated) and sent a free Messenger Plus! Live t-shirt!
You can reach the website by going to: or of course going to and pressing the link on the main website!
I'd also like to thank Jonathan Kay for buying the domain and sithtoast for hosting it for free.