Win XP SP2 w/latest updates
Windows Live Messenger Ver. 8.0
Messenger Plus! Live!
Chat log feature does not save the chat session. I am using encryption and can get into the file but the chat session is not there.
Is anyone else having this problem? Suggestions or fix is appreciated!

May have solved this
I think it is a setting in "Windows Live Messenger". Cannot test it yet but will report back... here is what I did:
Opened Win Live Messenger... choose>Tools>Options>Messages Tab> Then:
Check "Auto keep a history of my conversations"> Then update the section "Save my conversations in this folder". In my case it is:
C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\My Documents\My Chats
Am more than a little

and will report back. Feel confident this will do the trick.
P.S. After further investigation it is the Encryption that does not work. I am getting unencrypted .xml format rather than .ple format that is the encrypted form.