right... podcasts need a xml file, but i think you'll probably be already onto that, so I wont go into detial... if you dont,
check this or jus google it, u'll find sum stuff about RSS feed's and that, and the best ways to get it out there... but if u need any more help, giz a shout..
Next... for acctually recording it, i suggest that you use sumthin different. I do a similar sort of thing, although I'm lookin into podcast, so if you got any info on RSS feeds and that afterall, dont hesitate to PM Me
I use Adobe Audtion (my version is 1.5 coz im used to it), but sumjthin like audacity and that will do (although i've never used it myself.)... you only need to record your mic, because, when you want to play a song and so forth, you simply find your song, upload it, and comes up as a seprate track, so you can edit the bits you dont like of yor speaking... you can make it mix perfectly, get ur jingles on time (if you made some), if you need any help with this, add me onto MSN and i'll show u sum examples onmy old radio show... its hard to explain, but once you get ur head round it, u'll use AA as often as i do (everyday then

any more problems, jus add me, merseystreetzart@hotmail.co.uk