Hi this may be considered spam as its my personal problem but meh
I am going on holiday in four weeks with my "Best" friend. My mum has payed for everything btw.
Over the past few months we haven't spent any time together at all and to me it seems shes avoiding me. Everytime I ask her to come out she makes up an excuse that she can't but I and others always see her out with a girl from my school. I really don't want her to go on holiday with me as it seems she is just using me to get a free holiday. But my mum has already booked her place with her name etc.
Also she keeps moaning about how much she is going to miss her mum and boyfriend (Like he's going to miss her).
I don't know whether to tell her I don't want her to go. If I tell her I fear our friendship will be over but if I don't the holiday will be a disaster and I will feel used. If I tell her she can't go I can't imagine the reaction of her parents although I she isn't paying for anything.

I am so confused.
If you think I shouldn't take her can you give me any advice on how to tell her. If you think I should take her just your views please. Thanks Alot