help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute. |
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O.P. help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
for literature we have to write an essay on something of our own topic.
Well I was wanting to write on what it's like to be gay, and I wanted to get as many different people's perspectives on it.
I was wondering if you wanted to give me your perspective on it, what goes through your head and shit.
No names would be mentioned in it.
BTW, I'm also looking for straight people's views on gay/lesbians, so everyone is able to contribute to this.
If you don't feel comfortable posting in this thread then just PM it to me, or email it to me on my gmail account: lordy16 [at]
BTW mods, could this be left in GCC and not put in T&T please? At least then I might get people actually posting thoughtful stuff and not spamming the thread
07-19-2006 09:07 AM |
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
This is a difficult and rather broad topic; it won't be easy for you to write this essay and for others to express their opinions. A few questions to target some clear answers would have been helpful. Writing about one's perspective and "what goes on in one's head" is far from being easy, especially in a web environment.
"What's it like to be gay?"
I first laughed at this question. You see, there's no much difference between being gay or straight. It's just our brain's response to different stimuli. I'm sure Wikipedia can offer a lot of info on the technical side of this.
Here's my opinion on this entire gay/straight issue. I don't believe that such categories should exist in our society. In my opinion, the human being is designed to feel sexual pleasure with anyone and anything. The body makes (or should make) absolutely no difference between your hand and your partner. Or between a male and a female partner. As long as both (or more) are sexually attracted, I don't see anything wrong. This is also why I'm totally against all forms of discrimination, especially sexual.
I am bisexual. I'm equally attracted to both men and women. I have had sexual relationships with both guys and girls and I couldn't tell any difference in my brain and body's responses. It "felt" the same. This offers a lot of possibilities, including my favourite, the threesome.
I'm not sure about how you will be able to collect opinions from this somewhat homophobic community, but good luck with your essay.
07-19-2006 09:52 AM |
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
I am not really into the whole "Write a page thing" but I can give a few views.
Gay,lesbian and bisexuals don't bother me. I'm not the type fo person to be like "Eww don't come near me." I absolutely adore gay men and boys because you can talk to them about anything and they aren't the macho type that most men are.
I don't want to sound steriotypical when I say this but most gay men, you can talk to about stuff you would talk about with you other girlfriends.
I have a friend who is very homophobic  she says that it is unnatural for a person to be bisexual. I don't see anything wrong with this. Just because a person is attracted to both sexes.
I was told that we all have a bit of "Gay" in us and at at least one point in our lives we will be attracted to a member of our own sex. Its just that some people choose to shunt it awayand some choose to show it.
I completely agree with mezzanine that such catregories should exist.
Don't know if this helps but ..
Also sorry if I sounded steriotypical about gay men.
This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 10:01 AM by Vimto.
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07-19-2006 09:59 AM |
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O.P. RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
Just so everyone is clear: Yes I am bi, so I could write this from my own perspective, but I'm looking for other people's perspectives on it.
It's more on the feelings associated with being gay/bi in our society, and also the feelings that sort of thing invokes in people that aren't gay/bi/lesbian etc.
07-19-2006 10:08 AM |
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
Gays and straights are no different in "what goes through your head and shit", the only differences are the obvious! I agree that I think you've picked a bit of a broad topic.
There was a good article on Digg a little back suggesting that the more male children a woman has carried increases the chance of a child being gay. ie. the more older brothers you have, the more chance you have of being gay. Yahoo seems to have removed the article, because they remove stuff after a certain time, but here's some other version of it:
EDIT: And doing it based more on social issues is a good idea. 
This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 10:15 AM by alexp2_ad.
07-19-2006 10:14 AM |
azn angel
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
teh weird thing is, i was actually thinking about sexuality.
we do not choose are sexuality on our own - we are influenced majorly. i think its what is the 'norm'. i know im being vague here so let me give you an example. i am currently attracted to males only (this is because the idea of lesbians has been portrayed for so long as the 'wrong thing' and because when i think of lesbians i think of two hot chicks making out and guys loving it, i dont want or like that kind of attention) anyway, i think, that if i had a sex change and became a male and spent the time i normally spend with females, with males, id start to like females rather than males.
i dont think you can be born homo or hetro - its all in your thinking. its what we learn and grow to accept. although i dont have anything against homo or hetro people im finding it a bit hard to comprehend the actual sexual acts committed by homo people.
07-19-2006 10:26 AM |
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
Hetero, homo, bi - it's all down to personal preference in the end.
I know people from all three categories. However, I don't think of them in those categories: they all belong to the same category, that of 'Friends', sub-category of the more general 'People'.
07-19-2006 10:52 AM |
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
I don't have any problems with gay or bi people, but the whole concept of sticking a body part into another persons anus doesn't seem right to me.
This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 10:59 AM by Underlord.
07-19-2006 10:55 AM |
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RE: RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
quote: Originally posted by Underlord
I don't have any problems with gay or bi people, but the whole concept of sticking a body part into another persons anus doesn't seem right to me.
If your reffering to the way gay men have sex then many straight couples do the same
And when your heart begins to bleed, your dead
and dead and dead indeed.
07-19-2006 11:01 AM |
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RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
quote: Originally posted by .Vimto.
If your reffering to the way gay men have sex then many straight couples do the same
I didn't say it had to be gay men.
07-19-2006 11:01 AM |
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