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Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
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O.P. Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.

For those who know a lot about the new msn live, msgplus live and scripts available, before getting the new msn live i have some questions i would like and will aprecciate to get anwered.

Here are them: ( i will aprreciate to get an anwer form people that knows)

1)I know in the new msn live you can talk while being appear offline (invisible) to online contacts? is this true?

-While i am on appear offline and i talk to someone did my contacts are able to see my display up tdated (if i change it they see  the new)

- can i see their new display or if they change it while being appear offline, even if i just only open their window and talk to them?

-If this feature works even if the contact has an older version?

2)How i know a contacts msn current version? (i can know wich version of msn they have 7.5, 8.0?)

-If yes tell me how

-If i need plug in give  me a link to it or the name of the plug in or script

3)Stealing displays

-the msg plus live has this feature?

-if i need script a link or name?

4)Open conversation/closing conversation window notifier?

- i know the new msn protocols cant allow accuarate notifier on who open or close your conversaton window.

-But i will like  the bests cript to help me with tit even if it is the one who tell who is downloading your displays.

-just tell me the best script or way or method of getting the most accuarate notifier.

-Links,names please

5)Ok in the old msg plus there was the contact information wich says wich time a person changes to away offline etc...

-in the new msg plus is there more detailed contact information featured?

-is there an script that  is better than this?


-Each time we put th eoption in contact to notify each time it changes stuff it pop up a windows.

- i wanna know if now we can know for sure if person really changed from appar offline to online or etc, or if is just signed on?

- i know we cnat know if a contact is appear ofline but we can know when they switch form sppear to online and when did it really just signed on.

-notification now detects auto-away?

-is there a script

-wich one, name link?

7) polygamy
-msg plus has it?
-script name link?

------From now it maybe not related with msg plus or maybe there is new script or programs but if anyones know anwer me please-------

-How i know if a contact uses another email or account and wich one it is or if i can know if she just use many or if it uses polygamy, how? any links? any method program-
I heard the msg discovery for live is kinda bad or unreliable please when you suggest offer the best thing and accuarate.


Thanks in advance, I already searched some forums but i get confused and some times dont knwo what is the best so i ask you guys who know  alot more and spent much more time so i get the best and best advice too.


This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 06:41 AM by msnfangirl.
07-20-2006 06:17 AM
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RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
1. Yes it is
2. You can know because it shows a seperate list from WLM contacts to just normal msn contacts
3. Not sure about that one.
4. You should have a notifier when you have it.
5. Not yet soz.
6. There isn't a way to do this at the mo.
7. no soz it doesn't.
If the worst comes to the worst eat a cake makes you feel better!
07-20-2006 06:42 AM
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O.P. RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Thank you wishboy but i need  more elaborated anwers and the link and names on where i asked it and is avaliable, also i need someone experienced, since the steal display thing is available just to make sure how...

Anyway someone that can really take time to anwer me in a good way with knowlege :)

This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 06:48 AM by msnfangirl.
07-20-2006 06:47 AM
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RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Why don't you just find out for yourself?

-While i am on appear offline and i talk to someone did my contacts are able to see my display up tdated (if i change it they see  the new)

- can i see their new display or if they change it while being appear offline, even if i just only open their window and talk to them?

I would need to go figure this out myself, just like you would. So why should I do the work for you?
The previous sentence is false. The following sentence is true.
07-20-2006 06:52 AM
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O.P. RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
dazmatic Thank you-

about finding out my self, i have kinda slow connection and i dont want install aheavy program just to figure out this si why i ask thise questions then i decide if install it

Still needing elaborated anwers with examples in each question!
07-20-2006 06:54 AM
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O.P. RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Thank you dazmatic---

Still looking for anwers!
07-20-2006 07:04 AM
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RE: RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Originally posted by Dazmatic
im shure i was a script for polygamy somewhere, ill have a look:P
There's no need for a script when it is already in MP!L :P
[Image: attachment.php?pid=698791]

.png File Attachment: polygamy.png (38 KB)
This file has been downloaded 533 time(s).

This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 07:48 AM by WDZ.
[Image: markee.png]
07-20-2006 07:26 AM
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w00t !

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RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Geez, and they say I'm lazy ...
07-20-2006 12:30 PM
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RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Wheres cookie? He will give you a nice answer to all your questions..
07-20-2006 01:03 PM
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RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Originally posted by msnfangirl
1)I know in the new msn live you can talk while being appear offline (invisible) to online contacts? is this true?
Yes, it is true.

-While i am on appear offline and i talk to someone did my contacts are able to see my display up tdated (if i change it they see  the new)
If you talk to someone while you're offline, you keep the status offline, if you change, they'll see it

- can i see their new display or if they change it while being appear offline, even if i just only open their window and talk to them?
You should be able to see, but that doesn't matter o.ó

-If this feature works even if the contact has an older version?
Yes, but I'm not sure that they can reply while you're offline

2)How i know a contacts msn current version? (i can know wich version of msn they have 7.5, 8.0?)
If they send you a message while you're offline, and when you get online you receive that message(like icq) they're using WLM, if not they're 7.5 or under.There's no plugin I think.

3)Stealing displays
Yes, msgplus live has this feature, type /ctcinfo and save the img

4)Open conversation/closing conversation window notifier?
Not available on WLM, and I'm not so sure if in the past worked 100% o.O, there's no notifier script to WLM, even stuffplug will remove this feature on v.3.0. In another words, no notifier at all

-Links,names please
My name is Eric, nice to meet you
-msgpluslive.net (msgplus =D)
-ideas.live.com  (wlm)
-msghelp.net  (scripts)
-stuffplug.com (3rd party prog now)

5)Ok in the old msg plus there was the contact information wich says wich time a person changes to away offline etc...

-in the new msg plus is there more detailed contact information featured?
Yeah, there are more detailed..you can see in the log the time where they change their psm, their nicks, their status, etc etc etc..

-is there an script that  is better than this?
this what? msgplus is not a script


-Each time we put th eoption in contact to notify each time it changes stuff it pop up a windows.
Translate, please.

- i wanna know if now we can know for sure if person really changed from appar offline to online or etc, or if is just signed on?
Offline = Appear Offline, you'll just be able to know if the person replies, sending a msg.

- i know we cnat know if a contact is appear ofline but we can know when they switch form sppear to online and when did it really just signed on.
That doesn't matter, its offline -> online , if he/she was appearing to be offline, you won't find out

-notification now detects auto-away?
-is there a script
Search or ask for a god soul to do it o.o

7) polygamy
-msg plus has it?

-How i know if a contact uses another email or account and wich one it is or if i can know if she just use many or if it uses polygamy, how? any links? any method program-
Buy a crystal ball and go for it.

I heard the msg discovery for live is kinda bad or unreliable please when you suggest offer the best thing and accuarate.
IMO, it sucks.

ps: If you have an avg computer, win xp, switch to wlm+msgplus live , it's a lot better than the old one =)
ps2: Stop being that lazy or you won't find a husband(just a joke, =x)
ps3: No problem. =)


This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 01:12 PM by sql.
07-20-2006 01:05 PM
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