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Is there a script that can record chat log and create a new case in the CRM system?
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O.P. Huh?  Is there a script that can record chat log and create a new case in the CRM system?
i just want to know if there is a script which can do the following job.
It can record whatever msn chat log i want,and then automatically create a new case in the CRM system (eg:siebel) and put the record into it.
(i am sorry,my english is poor):(

This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 03:55 PM by Tochjo.
07-20-2006 03:50 PM
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RE: need help
I may be wrong but:
A "new case" in Siebel is just some data inserted into a database, isn't it?

So, if I'm right, it's possible, as long as you know exactly what to insert into the DB.

I haven't tried to connect to a DB from a script yet, but it should be possible, at least with a DLL.
07-20-2006 04:05 PM
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RE: Is there a script that can record chat log and create a new case in the CRM system?
Connecting to a DB in JScript is quite easy really. Microsoft scripting languages have access to ADO, which can be used to interface to any database you have a driver for.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-20-2006 04:07 PM
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RE: Is there a script that can record chat log and create a new case in the CRM syste
@RaceProUK : Merci :) I'll remeber it when I need it :)

@trendmsn : So it is possible if you know what to insert in the DB (which may be the tough part :s)

This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 04:20 PM by Daj.
07-20-2006 04:19 PM
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