* Mickael has an idea
why not a "format map" after the text ?
For example,
My actual name is : [b][c=4]|\/|[/c] [c=12]I[/c] [c=3]C[/c] [c=5]|<[/c] [c=36]@[/c] [c=14]E[/c] [c=1]|_[/c][/b] (not easy to recognize the text

It looks like this :
|\/| I C |< @ E |_
With a "format map" (from my imagination

) :
M I C |< @ E |_
#{b; c-1=4; c2-3=12; c4-5=3; c6-7=5; c8-9=36; c10-11=14; c12-=1}
first character is 0-1 (and not 1-2), spaces are NOT ignored
b : all the name is in bold
c-1=4 : characters from [start] to 1 are in red (
c2-3=12 : characters from 2 to 3 are in blue (
c12-=1 : characters from 12 to [end] are in black (
* Mickael will try to make a parser in php
* Mickael thinks nobody will understand