catching video/voice requests |
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O.P. catching video/voice requests
hi all
I am working on a plug in for Windows Live messenger.
my goal is to catch requests for video/voice conversations. I have been searching the net for 4 days now and I still can't find a way to do that.. I tried using the recent WLM API but it was not useful.. I tried Hooking and I could catch some events such as sign in and sign out events.. But I was not able to catch requests for video/voice conversations.
I noticed that this has been done in Messenger Plus! since there is an option to auto-accept requests.
I was wonderring if you could help me or tell where do i have to look in order to do that.
if you need more details or explanations plz ask
08-30-2006 11:52 AM |
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RE: catching video/voice requests
Plus! does it by catching the 'Do you wish to accept or decline' text in chat windows, and then using the appropriate hotkey. Your best bet would be to try catching that 
08-30-2006 12:07 PM |
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O.P. RE: catching video/voice requests
i didn't think it was done that way.. i thought there was some Mseenger event triggered when you do the video/voice invitation..
so all I have to do is get the text messages and parse them? I just thought of something.. if Messenger Plus! does it by parsing text messages, does it support all languages? (french, dutch etc...)
08-30-2006 12:46 PM |
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RE: catching video/voice requests
quote: Originally posted by paul_a
I just thought of something.. if Messenger Plus! does it by parsing text messages, does it support all languages? (french, dutch etc...)
It retrieves the localized text in msgslang.dll 
08-31-2006 03:06 PM |
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O.P. RE: catching video/voice requests
thanks for ur reply Mnjul
i have another question concerning getting the incomming text messages..
I am using the IMessengerConversationWnd interface I don't if you know it.. anyway because of it i can get the history log of a converstion.. do you think getting the whole log and parsing it is the good way to do things?
and also on which event do you think I should trigger the parsing? (which WM message i mean)
09-01-2006 10:23 AM |
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RE: catching video/voice requests
quote: Originally posted by paul_a
do you think getting the whole log and parsing it is the good way to do things?
anything based upon logs is prone to be faulty (for stuff like this). This is because logs are not created instantly but with a delay. Also parsing the log every x seconds to catch such events is very process intensive.
What you want is hooking and sniffing the protocol messages for video/voice requests. This can be done with the aid of Pai's Xniff ActiveX sniffer.

This post was edited on 09-01-2006 at 10:26 AM by CookieRevised.
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09-01-2006 10:24 AM |
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O.P. RE: catching video/voice requests
hi all,
I managed to parse the text messages and detect voice/video conversation requests..
but now I need to find a way to auto accept or auto decline.. how can i do that? how do I send programmatically Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D?
09-05-2006 09:00 AM |
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RE: catching video/voice requests
There's an API function, can't remember exactly what it is though, that allows you to simulate keypresses. It's related to virtual keys, so start from there 
09-05-2006 10:43 AM |
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O.P. RE: catching video/voice requests
Thnx RaceProUK I found it , it was : keybd_event(...) It worked fine thank you...
09-05-2006 01:38 PM |
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RE: catching video/voice requests
quote: Originally posted by MSDN
Windows NT/2000/XP:This function has been superseded. Use SendInput instead.
09-05-2006 03:43 PM |
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