I've just switched to sky broadband... its being a bitch....
it keeps f*cking up and disconnecting and the router cant find a server quite often...
i can't goto http://www.projectpsp.com/forum/ proxy websites load it for me (although dont allow me to login, if anyone has a proxy site that does so please post it)
but what i would really like to know is how to make it so my computer will just load the damn site!
pinging the site with cmd.exe shows up as request timed out!
This post was edited on 09-05-2006 at 09:47 PM by M73A.
1.Well your new ISP may be blocking certin servers.
2.Check your hosts file to make sure that site is not listed in it.
3.If you have a router you may have to fool with your settings for the new ISP. This is what happened to me. I had to lower the MTU number in the router settings. Also I'm not sure but I think that if you don't have a router theres a MTU number somewhere in the internet settings.
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RE: Certain Websites Arent Loading !!! HELP PLZ
A non-optimal MTU setting will give non-optimal network performance, but you won't break anything by changing it, and it can easily be changed over and over again. I found a nice guide to check your optimal MTU setting, I'll try and find it. My MTU is best at its default of 1500, so I didn't need it. I can't even remember if the MTU should be set on the PC or on the router.
MTU is maximum transmission unit, the amount of data that will be send in one frame. If your MTU is higher than the MTU of your internet connection, the frames will have to be opened, and resend to match the lower MTU, and will take more frames than if MTU was set to the lowest common denominator to begin with.
This post was edited on 09-06-2006 at 10:43 AM by rav0.
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