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Your views: Animal testing
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O.P. Your views: Animal testing
Now this is something which is very controversial. Animal testing is something that is harsh to the animals, but is one animal's life worth 1000's of others? Do you think animals should be tested on? Do you think the cruelty to these animals is OK because they are helping others? And finally, what are you views on animal rights groups, are they going too far and ruining peoples lives?

Express yourself! :P

More on this topic:
> Wikipedia on Animal Testing

Also please tell me your views on animal rights people, their methods, and do you think their cause is right. I'll tell you what I think ...
10-22-2006 01:04 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
Well if I have to choose between testing on me (or any person for htat matter) or testing on an animal I would choose animals...
I don't care about animal right groups aslong as they don't break the law...
I would preffer that they would hurt those animals... but sometimes the cause is worth the sacrefice...
10-22-2006 01:08 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
I personally, don't much like animal testing. I find it cruel, and I've always wondered why they do it, as wouldn't animals have different reactions to humans? I feel that the people who test animals should test these things on themselves and see how much they like it. Sure, one animals life is worth 1000's of humans lives, but can't you argue that isn't one humans life worth 1000's of others, too? Why are animals considered so different from humans, that it makes it right to test products on them and not on humans?

Animal rights people are okay, so long as they don't start getting right in your face and breaking the law.

Edit: After reading Nitro's post, I have to add, that if it is indeed a dog testing dog food, that isn't a problem, but with things like cosmetics, etc. which the animal isn't going to use, I find it cruel.

This post was edited on 10-22-2006 at 01:28 PM by Tasha.
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10-22-2006 01:14 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
Using animals to test thing really depends on what it's gonna test.

If a dog is supposed to test a new type of dog food, erhhh... I don't see the problem.

If you're gonna use an animal to test chemicals, etc, then I really don't like it.

Animals has feelings, if you hit one, it will feel pain, if you are very kind to it, it will be happy. Animals are diffrent, but yet they have feelings. So do humans. I think that you should think about the animal instead of your dear new product that you want to test on it.
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10-22-2006 01:26 PM
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O.P. RE: Your views: Animal testing
Originally posted by Tasha
Animal rights people are okay, so long as they don't start getting right in your face and breaking the law.

They are known for death threats amongst scientists and often stealing animals and burning down farms. They are pretty much terrorists. I remember one case people building a new lab had to wear masks to conceal their face from these people, scared of what could happen to them or their family. These people were just builders.

These people oppose violence to animals, but are violent to other humans.

This post was edited on 10-22-2006 at 01:34 PM by absorbation.
10-22-2006 01:33 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
Originally posted by absorbation
Originally posted by Tasha
Animal rights people are okay, so long as they don't start getting right in your face and breaking the law.

They are known for death threats amongst scientists and often stealing animals and burning down farms. They are pretty much terrorists. I remember one case people building a new lab had to wear masks to conceal their face from these people, scared of what could happen to them or their family. These people were just builders.

Well I don't agree with them doing things like that to get points across. But I pretty much don't know much about animal rights people anyway, so I wouldn't have known they go to those extremes.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry,
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10-22-2006 01:35 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
I don't agree with the testing of Botox concentrations on mice so that vain people can feel good about themselves for a few days.

This post was edited on 10-22-2006 at 02:25 PM by Underlord.
10-22-2006 02:09 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
Originally posted by absorbation
And finally, what are you views on animal rights groups
PETA is bullshit!!
Finish the problem
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10-22-2006 02:22 PM
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O.P. RE: Your views: Animal testing
There is a Penn & Teller for all my your views threads :P
10-22-2006 02:29 PM
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RE: Your views: Animal testing
I have mixed views. On one hand, it is cruel what they are doing to animals. However, on the other hand, how is testing chemicals on animals different to eating them?

Originally posted by Tasha
Why are animals considered so different from humans, that it makes it right to test products on them and not on humans?

Testing it on humans wouldn't actually work. The testing that is done is usually done by changing one variable at a time, and so the animals have to be kept in sterile conditions for long periods of time, which couldn't happen with humans.

This post was edited on 10-22-2006 at 02:40 PM by saralk.
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10-22-2006 02:36 PM
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