Originally posted by Ptoye
yeh i'me completly confuzed to weather it comes with a HDD or not
it only says 20GB hard drive and slot. so i am not sure what type sorry
The core system only has the system with a wired controller, nothing else (it also doesn't have the chrome finish on the disk tray, which is fit, but yeah!), you'll need something as storage otherwise you won't be able to play any games, the hdd fits onto the top of the console and is removable, it's worth buying the 20gb one.
You can get third party hardware which allows the hard drive to be plugged into a computer, but there is no point really, the xbox acts as a media centre anyway really and files can be put on it using a usb flash drive.
Originally posted by Ptoye
yeh i'me completly confuzed to weather it comes with a HDD or not
it only says 20GB hard drive and slot. so i am not sure what type sorry
http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11275&mid=327028 That is what you need.
Or you could buy one of the crappy memory card type things, but they're rubbish so I wouldn't.