Scheduled Tasks. Maybe you might be able to drop a .url in there or something...I can't test it cause I can't find it I don't have it, for some reason Bleh. Don't need it anyway
Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks I think.
This post was edited on 04-22-2007 at 08:48 AM by ryxdp.
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RE: How do I do this? (schedualed site visits)
quote:Originally posted by Woraug
I want to set up Firefox (or any program, for that matter) To visit a specific address every six hours. Is there an easy way to do this?
In Opera web browser, just go to any page, and then select "Reload every ..." from the page menu.
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(> <)
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
or put this in notepad save as .bat and scheduel it
bat code:
start iexplore.exe
PING -n 1 -w 3000 >NUL
taskkill /im iexplore.exe
make something the site u want to visit obiously
This post was edited on 04-22-2007 at 02:00 PM by Jarrod.