Hi Brothers,
I am now using Windows XP home edtion ( due to some reason i cannot use XP professional now.

However, this Windows XP home edtion does not support the newest MSN messenger 8.5, so I need to find and use MSN messenger 8.1 again.
The problem is I cannot find a MsgPlus version which can be used.
I have try MsgPlus 4.5 ( which claims that it still supports MSN messenger 8.1) but the MsgPlus cannot combine with the MSN messenger.
Then I find and try MsgPlus 4.11 but the same thing happen again. ( I think using Windows XP home edtion but not XP professional maybe the reason. )
At last I try back the old version MsgPlus 3, this can combine with the MSN Messenger but cannot function.
I want to know is there any version of MsgPlus that I can use? Or is there any other ways to fix the problem?
Can anyone help me? thx.