[Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already? |
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O.P. [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
Facebook just started to roll out the new in-site chat system in some networks. According to insidefacebook.com: quote: Originally posted by http://www.insidefacebook.com/2008/04/18/facebook-chat-now-live-in-sf-la-and-philly/
Facebook�s long-awaited Chat service, originally launched last Sunday to a select group of users (primarily in some of Facebook�s earliest college networks), has slowly been rolling out to additional networks and users.
Within the last 48 hours, Facebook Chat has been launched for users in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. However, most other users still don�t have access yet. While Facebook refuses to announce stats on the service until after the rollout is complete, most users have found Chat very stable so far.
As for Facebook Chat�s impact on Facebook Platform chat applications? That remains to be seen - none have shown very strong numbers so far.
Update: As of this morning, Facebook Chat is live in New York as well.
So here we go: Do you have Facebook Chat already?
04-21-2008 07:48 AM |
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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
Not in Mexico or ITESM
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
Not my daughter, you bitch!
04-21-2008 08:54 PM |
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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
Not in London or University of Warwick 
04-21-2008 08:59 PM |
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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
Quite simply, no, and I'm not sure I would use it anyway.
04-21-2008 09:23 PM |
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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
I'm missing the option "I really don't care for yet another chat network fragmenting online chat even further"  .
04-21-2008 09:59 PM |
Skinning Contest Winner

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O.P. RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
Well, as for the in-browser-only restriction, we'll see for that, MenthiX 
04-21-2008 10:02 PM |
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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
*requests a msgplus script if it becomes available for everyone*
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
Not my daughter, you bitch!
04-21-2008 10:05 PM |
Skinning Contest Winner

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O.P. RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
Request heard, Voldemort. On the way: Facebook Desktop 
04-21-2008 10:09 PM |
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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
Not my daughter, you bitch!
04-21-2008 10:15 PM |
Skinning Contest Winner

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RE: [Poll] Do you have Facebook Chat already?
People in my area (Toronto) got it last night. We just kept on spamming everyone.
Imo, its not nearly as good as WLM, as a conversation window doesn't up in the taskbar (the real one) and I doubt anyone keeps their facebook open forever (especially if you are using a tabbed window...)
Joined this forum 6869 days, 15 hours, 45 minutes, 42 seconds ago.
04-21-2008 10:18 PM |
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