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Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
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O.P. Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
I'm currently writing up a feature all about the upcoming version of Windows Live Messenger, in which I expect its first details to surface this summer. Part of this feature is about gathering feedback from people who know something about the program, so I'm asking the Plus! forums what features or changes would you like to see in WLM 10.

I personally would love to see full integration with social networking services and an overhaul of the file transfer system. I would appreciate comments any of you have on Messenger's future in general.

Thanks guys :)
07-02-2009 02:17 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
Originally posted by absorbation
I personally would love to see full integration with social networking services and an overhaul of the file transfer system. I would appreciate comments any of you have on Messenger's future in general.
But it also could finally come with its own tabbedchats, being able to attach and deattach them from conversation windows, but I gues that's more a suggestion to MP!L5.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to have bigger DPs by default, nor reenabling the option to view contacts email instead of their names...
[Image: Empty.png]
07-02-2009 02:34 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
Less bloat
[Image: signature/]     [Image: sharing.png]
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07-02-2009 04:01 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
I'll quote myself from a previous post elsewhere. I did change things here and there though, but it fits the situation perfectly:

File Transfers
They are slow compared to other applications. The transfers are limited (under normal circumstances) to three at a time. What for? No browser limits me to that, why should my instant messenger do it? The progress bar isn't as detailed as one would expect (perhaps an estimated time remaining, like most people have come to be accustomed with other programs?).

Invite feature?
Sorry to break it to you Microsoft, but that's not an invite button at all. That's a "force this contact into this conversation" button. This means that your email can get revealed to someone you may not want, you may be forced into a conversation with way too many people, perhaps even people you have blocked. Instead of labelling it invite, if you're not going to make a proper invite feature, why not label it "Force a contact to join this conversation"?

Although this has improved lately with the new "Layout" tab in the options, Windows Live Messenger doesn't have half as much customization from the base product as it should. Users requested skinning for so long, why is it that Patchou had to be the one to add it in? They say they listen to user feedback, yet the closest step they have taken to skinning in all the years is probably backgrounds in conversation windows, and the new scenes. On that note, it seems that you can't have a scene that fits everyone, many contacts will see it distorted in some way.

Forced updates
What's with that? Forcing users to update, otherwise they can't use the application? Sure, it might fix an exploit, and in that case it's understandable. But otherwise? Why would you force users to update if it's not to actually make it safer? At least give them the choice to update right away or not. It's their computer after all.

The contact list
Why can we not order the contacts in any way we want? It's possible now with the favourite group, but other than that, it's alphabetical or online versus offline, and that's it. What if I want certain contacts to be at the top all the time, regardless? Drag and drop should work every time, for whatever I want to do.

Tabbed chats?
Sure, Messenger Plus! does it, and quite great. It would suck to steal from Messenger Plus!, but if they listened to users' feedback over the years, Messenger Plus! would not have had to implement it. Users have requested it forever, and never got it. Of course they'll turn to another application to do it, but should they have to?

Don't get me wrong, I love using stuff like Messenger Plus!, and I can tolerate using it for stuff like tabs and all that, because that may not be a feature that everyone wants, but formatting should definitely be implemented directly. The one thing that's useful in conversations is adding bold or italics to emphasize something. Maybe not colours, but at least a way to change the formatting in the middle of a sentence or paragraph. Now I can do it, but only with people that have Messenger Plus! installed as well. What a loss...

Custom emoticons
I love the idea of being able to have custom emoticons, but I hate the idea of people being able to abuse it. I don't want to turn them all off for those few contacts that abuse it. I should be able to set it so only certain contacts can't send me custom emoticons, it should be simple enough.

Why is that not implemented directly? I just don't get it. Thanks again Messenger Plus! (and not to mention Mess Patch and A-patch and also Messenger Discovery).

Custom Statuses
That is implemented in most other IM programs, why not this one? Especially now with brb gone, I don't want to set my status to away only for a minute or two, yet I want people that decide to start a conversation to be aware that I won't reply right away. It'd be nice to have custom statuses. Thanks Plus!

Sure, it's normal that servers have maintenance and things need to be upgraded and kept well. Why not connect me to a backup server, or a server from another country that while a little bit slower may allow me to still connect? Just because my account is assigned a specific server, when it's down, I shouldn't have to be down with it. There are usually other servers that are up and running, spread the load but keep it active.
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07-02-2009 07:23 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
Originally posted by Lou
That's a "force this contact into this conversation" button. This means that your email can get revealed to someone you may not want,

anyone who has the power to invite you into a conversation also has the power to just give away your email address without asking you...
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07-03-2009 04:08 AM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
Solve the irritating bug of lost messages once and for all.
07-03-2009 12:20 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
I agree with .Lou

I'd like to see alerts which are more customisable (like one which pop up if someone goes offline, but only for people who you are talking to), and take up less space, also, a chat window icon to reflect contacts' status (so if they go busy or away I can just scan my eyeballs across the taskbar, I know there's a script for this and Stuffplug used to have it but it's such a simple and useful feature that should have been in Messenger itself from the beginning).
[Image: 202-3.png][Image: shinyhachunesig.png]

07-03-2009 04:23 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
an option to show dp's in contact list (small), like it was in 7.5

i kno mess patch has tried and half succeeded before.. but without the feature wlm has never felt the same since
07-04-2009 12:39 PM
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RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
There is already an option to do that, click [Image: 16712z5.png], next to the add or scripts button.

This post was edited on 07-04-2009 at 04:28 PM by robert_dll.
07-04-2009 04:27 PM
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RE: RE: Windows Live Messenger 2010: What would you like to see?
Originally posted by robert_dll
There is already an option to do that, click [Image: 16712z5.png], next to the add or scripts button.

i kno that, but i was refering to how '7.5' was...

in wlm 9 the 'small' option is too big, and the line height is very large, enough to fit the pm underneath aswell.. which wastes alot of room

in 7.5,  the dp replaced the buddy icon(included status aswel), and the list still remained very compact.

i hope that was clear to understand
07-05-2009 09:43 AM
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