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Possible with a batch file?
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O.P. Possible with a batch file?
Would this be possible to do with a batch file? or not?

What I would like to do is, say I had the folders: C:/folder1/folder2/ and inside folder 2 were many files, say "file1.ext, file2.ext2, file3.ext3" for now. Would it be possible for a batch file to list each file, and the path before it from folder2/ so the batch file would create a txt similar to:

Could then, the same batch file, or another, copy that lines from that .txt into the bottom of another .txt in another folder such as C:/stuff/list/default.lst (well, .lst, but same priniciple)

Could it then copy all those files that were listed and paste them recursively in another folder like C:/inetpub/wwwroot/folder1/folder2, but also, bzip2 those files in the inetpup folder??

Is that possible using a batch file? or not worth the effort?

07-18-2009 10:38 AM
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RE: Possible with a batch file?
dir /s /b c:\inetpub

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07-18-2009 12:00 PM
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O.P. RE: Possible with a batch file?
That would just list the files and store them as a list in C:/inetpub?

I would like to list the files, copy them into the bottom of another file, the copy all the files listed to inetpub/wwwroot/folder1/folder2 and bzip them.

This post was edited on 07-18-2009 at 01:08 PM by Jimbo.
07-18-2009 01:07 PM
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RE: Possible with a batch file?
dir /s /b c:\inetpub >> c:\inetpub\someotherfile

then, err, get tar and bzip2 for windows...

why bzip anyway?
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07-18-2009 01:47 PM
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O.P. RE: Possible with a batch file?
Running a few gameservers, and need an automated system to read the models and materials folders, add them to a downloadlist, bzip them, and add to a webserver running off the same box.
07-18-2009 02:22 PM
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RE: Possible with a batch file?
why do you need a download list *and* an archive though? and why does it have to be bzip2 and not just zip/rar?

or is it just the file list itself that you need to bzip?
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07-18-2009 02:27 PM
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O.P. RE: Possible with a batch file?
Well the download list is to force clients to download files, and the source engine cannot decompress any other archive than bz2, so, its best to bz2 all files, not the directory though, but each file individually. Bzip2 isnt necesarry, but speeds up download time immensly.
07-18-2009 02:56 PM
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RE: Possible with a batch file?
Yes, it sure is all possible (in multiple ways)...

But I realy can't understand what you realy/exactly want to do though....

You need to give proper and very clear examples of each step if you want people to be able to create a batch file.

Are there any files listed in that "other .txt" which are not in 'folder2'?
Or is that "other txt" simply a list of all the files in 'folder2'?
Are there any files in 'folder1'?
Must the files in 'folder1' also be copied to 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/folder1'?
Are there more subfolders 'folder3', 'folder4', etc under 'folder1'?
Are there other folders like 'folder1' under the C root and must they also be copied to 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot'?
BZip each file in 'folder2' to 'C:/inetpub' or to 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/folder1/folder2'?
Give an extensive but exact BZip command line example, including the correct parameters, subpaths, quotes, filenames, etc so I can add it properly.

I am going to assume a lot of things here:
batch code:
:: Be carefull, since Delayed Expansion is enabled, there will be errors if files contain "!" or other special characters in their path/file name.



FOR /R %%F IN (*.*) DO (
  IF NOT "%%F"=="%~0" (
    SET FILE=%%F
    ECHO Copying !FILE:%CD%\=!...
    ECHO !FILE:%CD%\=! 2>NUL 3>&2 1>>%LISTFILE%
    MD %WWWDIR%%%~pF 1>NUL 2>&1
    COPY %%F %WWWDIR%%%~pF /Y 1>NUL 2>&1
    ECHO Compressing !FILE:%CD%\=!...
    %BZIPFILE% -fzkq9 "%WWWDIR%%%~pnxF"
ECHO "%LISTFILE%" updated
ECHO Press any key to end...

  ECHO ERROR: Command extensions can not be enabled.
  ECHO        (possible cause: wrong DOS/Windows version)

Also see attached batch file.
Edit the batch file (the three variables between the :::: lines) before using.
Put that batch file in each 'folder1' and run it from there.

It will also copy files under 'folder1', except itself.
It will bzip each file under C:/inetpub/wwwroot/folder1 without moving it to somewhere else (so you will have two versions of each file in each directory).

.zip File Attachment: SYNC.zip (672 bytes)
This file has been downloaded 127 time(s).

This post was edited on 07-20-2009 at 01:30 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
07-20-2009 12:13 AM
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RE: Possible with a batch file?
Or, you can just use SourceRSC which will do all the hard work for you (and even upload the compressed files to your server via FTP if you want) :P
YouTube closed-captions ripper (also allows you to download videos!)
07-20-2009 12:34 AM
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O.P. RE: Possible with a batch file?
Thanks for all that work Cookie, Its really appreciated, I will remember to provide a lot more clear examples in future. However, that program Mike supplied is far easier and more user-friendly. Thanks
07-24-2009 08:07 PM
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