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Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
Cookie, don't waste your time trying to explain.
The same way they come here posting that "MS has reconsidered", soon they will return complaining that "MSN is no longer working / Why did MS do this? / Why didn't they tell us before?" and so on...
04-14-2013 04:32 PM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
Originally posted by CookieRevised
12th April... meaning they just only started!!! Please read the official anouncements instead of basing your thoughts on make-believe, false hopes and wrong information and rumours.

As I clearly stated, I will have to wait and see what happens until April 30th as I heard nothing prior to that save the email I got on April 3rd. It was only until April 8th came around that most heard about the transition moving from March 15 - April 8th to April 8th - April 30th. Then I get on Messenger to see if it's still up on April 12th and it's up. So yes I was surprised, I can not see how that comes as a shock to you seeing as Messenger stated in the email
"All American Servers Will Be Shut Down On April 8th, Switch to Skype." So I was going by fact's when I posted that on the 12th and further looked into it afterwards. The move has been a bit messy and delays happen, which is why I want to see what happens until April 30th. So it was "outdated information", which were expressed through "my thoughts" seeing as it was my post, rumors have nothing to do with it, and hope that it will fall through? If that is what you mean yes I hope that. Will it happen? Doubtful, perhaps another setback perchance as people don't want to see Messenger go that have used it for so long. 

Originally posted by CookieRevised
So I don't understand why it is so difficult to understand that, and why people still insist in believing in fairy tales and/or jumping to conclusion, after official announcements have already explained most of it. On the other hand, it are posts exactly like some here in this thread that still make people believe they can stop this.

Well again they don't want to see it go, can you blame them? I know your going by facts as we all should, but others feeling like they are doing something is better then sitting around waiting for the final deadline to drop. It's not that hard to understand.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Petitions and the likes are not harmful in the literal sense but they do create serious false hope, not to mention fairy tales, and it is putting wrong ideas in people’s heads (eg: that the complaints help because some can still log in into Messenger). Many posts on this and other forums are the proof of that.

They are not harmful in any sense, they just let people voice out what they believe in a larger and louder voice to express that they do not want this to happen. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Oh and thanks for the link btw, not a bad read on the updated parts of it at least.

Originally posted by Chancer
Cookie, don't waste your time trying to explain.
The same way they come here posting that "MS has reconsidered", soon they will return complaining that "MSN is no longer working / Why did MS do this? / Why didn't they tell us before?" and so on...

Chancer....I fail to even see the point in your post on the topic at hand beside your obvious want to be a sycophant. I hate to break your bubble though, but if it does happen...Then it happens.  "I told you so" and "Why did this happen" Will hardly do any good before, or after it's over and done with....Unless that's what you want to happen?

Anyways thanks for the update CookieRevised, I'll wait till April 30th and see what happens.
04-15-2013 10:17 AM
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O.P. RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
I don't recall ever hearing that the first deadline would extend past March 15 to April 8. After they pushed it back from March 15, it was my sole understanding that the transition would happen over a course of time between April 8 and 30, not just on one single day. They touted April 8 as nothing more than simply marking the beginning of the transition.

More on the actual subject of the shutdown, I discovered recently that computers running anything older than Windows XP will still be given access to Messenger until either later this year in October or March next year, I can't remember. I also don't know if this "OS detection" can be fooled by simply running Messenger in compatibility mode for an older system (I'm currently using Messenger 8.5 under Windows Server 2003 compatibility), but it brings curious new information to the table.

This post was edited on 04-18-2013 at 10:36 PM by Chattanooga.
04-15-2013 06:31 PM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
lol ANYWAY....

I tested out "aMSN" alternative lol just to get use to it before microsoft screws us. So far I Hate it...the skins are awful, very choppy and dull. Adding emoticons is just as easy as msn. The "options" are pretty lame, I see no options what so ever for video so I guess I have to assume it auto adjusts and automatically works? umm...ya I may test QQInternational next.
I hear all good stuff about it

Windows XP users get to keep msn? How so? Where the hell did you read that? I have not found any news of the whole msn thing in over a month. I don't get any new emails or info from any sites anymore.

And lol...who the bloody hell is still using XP?

This post was edited on 04-18-2013 at 12:03 AM by 1Rax.
04-18-2013 12:01 AM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
It has little to do with what OS you're running. It has mostly to do with what protocol is used by the application or by Messenger (or by its many clones) to connect to the Messenger servers, switchboards and services.

See the link I posted before.

Aka: this info is known for some time now and not "new" at all (at least to those who actively read and follow the appropriate blogs and forums...again, see the link I posted).
eg: the 'news' that they pushed back the start date to 8th April was already announced in februari, if not earlier.

Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the cutoff date will be pushed back even more (silently or not). All we can do is enjoy while it lasts.

(and there are still many people using XP..... and tbh why not... nothing wrong with it).

This post was edited on 04-18-2013 at 01:10 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
04-18-2013 12:48 AM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
Tested QQinternational. Well not rly it wouldn't allow me to use my hotmail to sign in. Meaning it's a worthless piece of crap! Already aMSN is better then that.
aMSN actually allows sign in using your hotmail account. QQ forces you to make a new account just to TEST it????...that's a load of shit. So no...QQ is terrible in that aspect. That would mean I'd have to spend HOURS AND HOURS re adding all my contacts if I made another account. HA....total garbage

This post was edited on 04-18-2013 at 05:21 PM by 1Rax.
04-18-2013 05:20 PM
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O.P. RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
If, when Messenger shuts down, there's absolutely no possible way of circumventing the block, Trillian will become my new IM service of choice. I'll use it for the sole purpose of linking it to my Skype account so that I can retain somewhat of a similar interface Messenger had.
04-18-2013 10:33 PM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
Too bad Trillian doesn't have Sound notifications for emails like WLM. I would be a customer if this were so.:(
04-18-2013 10:46 PM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
I had disagreed with Microsofts aspect of pushing users to Skype , just so they could boast their Skype user numbers. Microsoft made it very clear that Windows Live Messenger ( MSN ) would no longer work and would not be able to sign into the program after April 8/2013. However I decided not to do the upgrade it keeps prompting me to do, and to this day my MSN is still functioning just fine as it did before.

However I know of several people who use Windows Live Messenger program ( MSN ) and they were duped into installing Skype and merging the accounts, Taking away the normal MSN window user interface that they were used to, with what appeared to be no way to go back.

I have found the solution and it worked for everyone so far. From windows XP , Vista to Win 7.... go into the control panel and to the ADD/REMOVE programs  (Xp) or Programs and Features (vista/Win7 ) list .. find in the list windows live messenger. Uninstall it . Now Find an older copy of WINDOWS LIVE ESSENTIALS go to CNET downloads or a reputable site , possibly even Microsoft is still hosting an older version of WINDOWS LIVE ESSENTIALS. I had the file from a previous download that I had saved.  Download the WINDOWS LIVE ESSENTIALS , install it , making sure you Select or check mark the box where it says WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER , everything else can be unchecked , unless you wanted something else installed from that LiVE ESSENTIALS package.

That's it! it will install everything you left checked marked, and with that a reinstall of WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER ( MSN ) . Working fine and dandy as it did before the Skype upgrade. The account merger doesn't have anything to do with at this point. I had also left the Skype installation as it was. The only program uninstalled from the add remove programs list was WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER. Then reinstalled with the WINDOWS LIVE ESSENTIALS package.

good luck and hope this helps a few get their MSN client back.

peace on earth

04-21-2013 06:18 PM
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RE: Continuing to use Messenger after April 8
GSAYER1, thanks for the "tip", but you do know that "Windows Live Essentials" is just the same as Windows Live Messenger, no?

That is, the 'Essentials' suite is just a package combining all the Windows Live branded products.... including the exact same Windows Live Messenger as if you would install it on its own. So, there is nothing special about the Essentials suite in regards to Windows Live Messenger.

The only reason it might (note: might) still work is that you installed an older version of Windows Live Messenger which uses an older(?) or different(?) protocol than the newest version, or uses a different method to connect and/or uses different switchboard servers or something.

Just as explained before, including in the official announcements of Microsoft itself! (that is: some stuff will continue to work till October 2013, other stuff till March 2014, etc).

But eventually, it probably wont work anymore either though.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
TReKiE has made a nice blog post about this, including links to the official announcements:

This post was edited on 04-23-2013 at 06:35 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
04-22-2013 04:13 PM
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