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mp3 music
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RE: mp3 music
Originally posted by Johnny_Mac

And £5 for a single? Huh?! According to The Official UK Charts Company Website, the min price for a single CD is £1.20; otherwise the single is not eliabgable for entry. So surely no one would charge £5 for a single. :rolleyes:

I've seen it in the likes of HMV etc. where a single has been priced at £5 ( and thats singles theat have been out more than 12 months). Surely if they wanted rid of the singles, they'd lower the price?

Originally posted by dom.

Your forgetting that CDs go off. Apparently, the stuff used in the insert reacts with the stuff in the CD and after approx. 20 years, the CD becomes unuseable.

I read that it was disks made way back like when CD's were first made because of what was used to make them that it formed an oxide layer between the tracks and lens and is most noticable on the last tracks (since it starts outside and works in)
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07-10-2004 07:42 PM
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RE: mp3 music
Originally posted by Vazza
I read that it was disks made way back like when CD's were first made
Probably true, I heard people talking about their rare, special edition CD's from the 80's which will be no good..
07-10-2004 08:12 PM
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RE: mp3 music
£5 for an E.P. Maybe...

But I am yet to see a single with its B-sides at anything over £3.50.
07-10-2004 11:30 PM
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RE: mp3 music
i think that downloading music is fine as it promotes the artist, some popular not, but from the artist's view Aren't they making alot of money?, there just being greedy :P
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07-11-2004 12:20 AM
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RE: mp3 music
They are not being greedy.... (the people who download illegal are greedy)
And it certainly doesn't make them a lot of money...

Many artists are happy that their music is spread in that way, but at the same time they aren't happy about the fact that people will download their songs without paying, because all in all, they ARE loosing money because of it! (and you can argue about the costs of CD's, about your principles, etc... all ya want, that doesn't change the fact that artists loose money because of the illegal downloads).

On the other hand, big artists, don't need that kind of spreading/promotion anymore and they don't have anything to gain  about the whole thing...

And this trend can be seen more and more btw: Small artists often put there songs on the net, because it IS a good place to promote. Although many people will take advantage of it, the true fan will buy the CD nevertheless. But big artists often don't do it anymore, because they don't need that kind of promotion anymore....


Money and promotion aren't the same! You can make a lot of promotion, but loose a lot of money at the same time. And this is certainly true on the net.

The idea that if you make enough promotion you will make enough money is a bit utopian...

This post was edited on 07-11-2004 at 09:20 AM by CookieRevised.
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07-11-2004 09:16 AM
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RE: mp3 music
first, to address every single comment about how little CD's cost to produce and how much ppl charge for them, the basic logic within that is flawed

ur arguement is basicly like walking into a resturant and asking them how they can charge you $10 bucks for a plate of spaghetti and meatballs when u noe that the raw materials would only cost $3 per say, ur completeling forgetting the ppl who work in the studios recording the songs, the mixers, the editors, the ppl who work at the factory that makes the CD's, the truck drivers who ship them, the person who stocks CD's at ur music store, the cashier and so on and so forth, not to mention the utilites involved in running these operations, maybe u don't realize that they rely on this industry to keep them afloat and alive. The music industry employs millions of ppl and to say that it is "unfair" for them to charge you $15 Canadian Dollars for a CD is unreasonalbe in itself

next, is to everyone who thinks that you can just download music ALL THE TIME forever, if everyone were like you, you do realize that there would be no more new music in the world. this may come as a complete shock to those naive and arrogant enough to believe that downloading music has absolutely no impact on anything and that recording labels are just greedy. has it ever occured to you that people are just trying to make a living? Although i do download music, i also almost always buy the artists CD after, unless i find that they are just a fluke. this way, i can assure that more music will be recorded in the future. does this make the artist or the labels seem so greedy? people work hard just to make music. harder than most of us will probably ever know. to ppl like toddy and johny, i hope you realize that nothing in this world is truly free. wut if one day, u lost your job because the world was cheap and decided the service/product could be gotten for free? maybe that would open your eyes to how the world really works. but for now, you just keep doing what you do but remember that "what goes around, comes around" or you could just try buying an album, maybe you might enjoy it, you never know.
Dare to dream.
07-18-2004 07:39 AM
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