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Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
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RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
Originally posted by jahewi
So, i can assume that you read any EULA, wich is shown to you, in full and understand it fully?
And that you think that anyone should?

I've been using the internet since 1999 (first year at "big school" :D). During that time I have always read EULAs for the simple fact that they're there for a reason. Now, I was about 10/11 and a complete n00b with PCs. Are you telling me that I'm the only person in the world that wasn't a complete spaz diving into things I knew nothing about? If the whole world just continues to skip past EULAs, bigger companies are going to start adding clauses that will totally screw us over. It'd be OUR fault for not reading the damn things. So I say, whoever does not have time to spend a minute of their day reading a license agreement, does not deserver to have the software installed on their PC
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
10-09-2006 10:34 PM
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RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
Lets be real about it, even 500 pages of discussion will not solve or change anything. There are clearly two sides here which both think different.

Everything from both sides has been said at least 10 times by now during the last couple of days. Some people on both sides have very good points and some people on both sides are just talking total rubbish.

Its not like anybody from either side will suddenly change and say "Wow, you're totally right, I was wrong and I fully agree with you now". Neither will all this discussing change anything about the sponsor or Patchou's MVP status.

Discussion is healthy, but when we all just keep on repeating (including myself) and people are not willing to see things from the other side or change, then there is really no point.

Anti ad/spyware people will never like any form of ad sponsoring (that what makes them an anti ad/spyware person) and Messenger Plus! fans will never fully agree on the criticism (otherwise they wouldn't be fan of Plus! in the first place).

I can't imagine anybody still has something new to say about the subject... let's close it and accept not every person in the world thinks the same (would be a very boring world anyway).
Finish the problem
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10-09-2006 10:44 PM
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RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
Wow, you're totally right, I was wrong and I fully agree with you now MenthiX.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
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the game.
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the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
the game.
10-09-2006 10:52 PM
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RE: RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Jahewi, if you're gonna post a load of unfounded crap on the forum please follow the rules and don't double post :p
Don't worry. This'll be my last post ... then i'm out of your hair, again  :P

Microsoft defines adware as:
Originally posted by Microsoft

Advertising that is integrated into software. Adware is often combined with a host application that is provided at no charge as long as the user agrees to accept the adware.

That seems about right to me...
Incomplete, but acurate as far as it goes ;)

Wikipedia defines malware as:
Originally posted by Wikipedia

Malware (a portmanteau of "malicious software") is any software program developed for the purpose of causing harm to a computer system, similar to a virus or trojan horse.

Nope, the sponsor does not execute any script files that may copy dangerous files or allow computers to connect to open ports on an "infected" PC.

Wikipedia also says:
The expression is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software or program code.

Seems about right for adware to me.

Wordnet defines spyware as:

Originally posted by Wordnet
computer software that obtains information from a user's computer without the user's knowledge or consent

Yea, so?
Where did i say that there is spyware involved?

Well, if you look at this posted by thekid earlier, you will see that the EULA states that you must ACCEPT the conditions, meaning that consent is given. Therefore it is not spyware either.

So before you say there aren't three different types, do some research. This all took 5 minutes to gather together. I'll give you a little while to run and hide whilst thinking of an argument that may or may not make sense. Just remember, no matter how smart one person thinks they are, there will always be some one smarter. What I'm getting at is, you think you know everything, but we know more ;)

I never said it isn't in the EULA.
Please read my posts!
10-09-2006 10:53 PM
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RE: RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
EDIT:  Not read most of this topic but... did you just quote wikipedia as an accurate source of information? :P  I could edit Wikipedia to say "Malware is MESSENGER PLUS, LOL!" :P

Originally posted by MenthiX
Lets be real about it, even 500 pages of discussion will not solve or change anything. There are clearly two sides here which both think different.

Everything from both sides has been said at least 10 times by now during the last couple of days. Some people on both sides have very good points and some people on both sides are just talking total rubbish.

Its not like anybody from either side will suddenly change and say "Wow, you're totally right, I was wrong and I fully agree with you now". Neither will all this discussing change anything about the sponsor or Patchou's MVP status.

Discussion is healthy, but when we all just keep on repeating (including myself) and people are not willing to see things from the other side or change, then there is really no point.

Anti ad/spyware people will never like any form of ad sponsoring (that what makes them an anti ad/spyware person) and Messenger Plus! fans will never fully agree on the criticism (otherwise they wouldn't be fan of Plus! in the first place).

I can't imagine anybody still has something new to say about the subject... let's close it and accept not every person in the world thinks the same (would be a very boring world anyway).

Agreed.  I'd actually quite like to hear Patchou's reaction to all this though. *-)

This post was edited on 10-09-2006 at 10:56 PM by alexp2_ad.
10-09-2006 10:54 PM
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RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
Patchou can post in locked topics, so no worries there :).
Finish the problem
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10-09-2006 10:55 PM
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RE: Congratulations Patchou on becoming an MVP!
Originally posted by jahewi
Yea, so?
Where did i say that there is spyware involved?
Just to say before this gets locked, you may not have said that there were three, in fact you seemed to dispute the fact. That was the reason for my reply. To show you that they were in fact three different typed of software.

EDIT:Quoted wrong, but at least i'm man enough to admit it and correct it...

This post was edited on 10-10-2006 at 04:52 AM by WDZ.
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
10-09-2006 11:08 PM
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