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Question regarding a "close msg window logger"
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O.P. Question regarding a "close msg window logger"
hi, first time poster. I am thinking about upgrading and  have reviewed the advertised features of this program but have not been able to learn if it contains the feature I need. I need to be able to log/see if/when a conversation window is closed by the other participant in the conversation. Is this a feature offered by plus? Or if not can anyone point out where I could find this? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but I've searched the forum without finding an exact answer and I do need to know. Any help would be apprechiated.


12-27-2006 12:57 AM
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RE: Question regarding a "close msg window logger"
OK firstly before I say anything else, you are aware that regardless of what you try and do it is not accurate enough to say that it is a close conversation notifier is now incorrect, in fact it's more or less a close session notifier as many things trigger a session, such as clicking on your contact card, downloading your display picture, etc.

Now as to wanting it, the only thing I know that is able to do it is MessengerDiscovery Live, but this can cause problems with various things which in few cases can mean that Plus! is also affected by it.
Red Bull Racing Australia - Triple Eight Race Engineering - Holden
12-27-2006 01:11 AM
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RE: Question regarding a "close msg window logger"
Originally posted by andyg192
I need to be able to log/see if/when a conversation window is closed by the other participant in the conversation. Is this a feature offered by plus?
Not with Messenger Plus! itself.

There are scripts available which do this, but:

NONE of them are reliable at all and thus they don't work at all.
If it isn't reliable you have absolutely NO way of knowing if the event was legit or if it was a false trigger.

In fact the thing you seek is NOT possible anymore since a long long time. Not with Plus!, not with ANY other tool/addon/plugin/script or whatever you'll find for Messenger.

Programs which claim they can show you a notification when someone closes the chat window are lying.

It does not work anymore.

The reason why it doesn't work anymore is simple: it is the way the protocol works. A protocol is the mechanism of how Messenger talks to its servers.

When a contact opens a new conversation window with you a new connection session is opened with you (via the servers). This session can be detected and this is actually what all those Notifiers do. They do not detect opened or closed windows, they detect sessions. And there is a big difference.

Such a session is also opened when a contact views your profile, looks at your display picture, looks at your contact card, etc, etc. In short, if a contact requests any kind of info about you, a session is opened. Thus not only when he/she opens a chat window.

In fact, a contact doesn't need to physically do something, his/hers Messenger itself can and will open sessions from time to time with you.

The same goes for detecting when a session is closed. Because a session is not only created when a contact opens a conversation window with you, you will also recieve closed session notifications for all kinds of different events.

Moreover, if a contact doesn't talk to you for a few minutes or even seconds (depends), a session is automatically closed, even before he/she closed the conversation window. And you wont recieve a notification anymore when he closes a conversation window after Messenger already closed the session.

In other words, such tools can NOT individually detect opened or closed conversation windows. Those who claim they can don't know what they're talking about. And those who claim they can see the difference between a false notification and a real chat window notification, are wrong too. There is no way to see the difference, at all...

A long time ago it was possible (with MSN Messenger 6), because Messenger didn't had all those different features and scenarios where sessions are used, and thus opened and closed, but that long past history (since MSN Messenger 7)...

Originally posted by andyg192
I've searched the forum without finding an exact answer.
There are a lot of threads about this... If you just search with "notifier" you'll find tons and tons and tons of threads about this.

Same threads as this one:
Notify when someone closes the convo
Closing Windows
How can i watch who opened a conversation?
question (convo notifier)
Messenger Open-Session Noitcer
[REQUEST] Window Close Notifier
how can i see if ppl open/close my box?
[Idea] Need to know something
hey can there be an alert when a contact opens a chat window with you??
No notification when a contact opens a chat with me
[REQUEST] Who Has Closed The Window
Contact open/close window notifier For Msg Plus Live Script [Request]
looking for a script
[Request] Message Box Notifier
Little thing about window o/c notifier....
Has opened a conv...
search "contact open chat window" plugin
Logging any openings of chat windows?
looking for a plugin
StuffPlug Close Notifier
'contact opens chat window' notification
where can i find the open/close windows plugin?
"Open windows notification" 80% time won't work for me?
A plugin that detects ppl who click to your name or to your picture?

Big discussion about the reliability:
The open/closed window notifier feature

Scripts (compatible with Messenger Plus! Live):
Convo Notifier / Live Notifier
Session Open Notifier
Open Window Notification (POC that a random notification is just as (un)reliable)

This post was edited on 12-27-2006 at 02:08 AM by CookieRevised.
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12-27-2006 01:33 AM
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