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Presidential Election 2008
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RE: Presidential Election 2008
I think this video tells a lot about Hillary Clinton. Check it out:


Thoughts welcome :p.
[Image: w2kzw8qp-sq2_dz_b_xmas.png]
02-24-2008 10:47 PM
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RE: Presidential Election 2008
Originally posted by andrey

I respect her more for that.  She's completely right.  Everyone is so caught up in Obama because he promises "change" yet the policies he proposes leave millions in the dark.  Not to mention his campeign has a larger backing of younger voters...my most recent example is the Obama Campaign bought Pizza for every day of the week a few weeks ago for our local community college and within about a snap of a finger the student populations vote went from Majority Clinton to Majority Obama.  They arent even deciding on the issues.

The truth is, Obama cant provide all the changes he is promising.  He is making empty promises to the American people and they're lapping it up like its whipped cream.

I will continue to support Hillary Clinton for President because at least she can provide a realistic outlook on her policies/priorities.

This post was edited on 02-25-2008 at 09:50 AM by Dane.
02-24-2008 11:41 PM
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RE: Presidential Election 2008
Originally posted by RebelSean
Ron Paul wants to get rid of the IRS and federal reserve system . Needless to mention other things he wants to do .
The founding fathers of the United States did not want any type of central banking institution in our country. It's one of the main reasons people started the revolutionary war & fled Britain for the United States. Gotta love Woodrow Wilson.

Originally posted by absorbation
Clinton is the only one settings out real polices at the moment, showing she is organized and voters know what they are voting for. I'm happy whoever wins, as long as they are not Republican!
Her tactics are questionable, fighting dirty towards Obama. Says something about her character and how she 'might' run our country if she was to win... BUT, the other question is.. wtf is Bill doing!? In my personal opinion, the Clinton campaign is questionably more of a duel Presidency campaign (Bill & Hilary), then just Hilary.

Originally posted by MenthiX
Agreed... I'm surprised USA elections aren't held in the form of a idols-like game show yet where people send their official vote by text message :(.
It basically is in a nut-shell. Only difference from the US's Elections & American Idol is... In American Idol, the people's vote counts.

This post was edited on 02-25-2008 at 01:39 AM by Pr0xY.
02-25-2008 01:07 AM
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O.P. RE: Presidential Election 2008
Originally posted by andrey
I think this video tells a lot about Hillary Clinton. Check it out:


Thoughts welcome :p.

And she's exactly right; Senator Obama's entire campaign is based on hope and change. But without the ability to bring about the change, it's all a misconception. America's current state is not something that you can hope to fix, and it's not something that you can fix through policies, not even to mention the fundamental flaws in his policies that, as already stated, will leave out millions of Americans. We've been dominated to republicans for years now, and Senator Obama is simply not going to be able to unify Washington.

Senator Clinton has been able to, on many occasions, bring together republicans and democrats to pass very important policies. I'm not sure if Senator Obama has and I'm certain that he won't be able to as president because his policies leave out millions.
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02-25-2008 05:00 AM
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elite shoutboxer


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RE: Presidential Election 2008
Okay, things have developed quite a bit since February and I think we should bring this thread back up.

My opinion is that Clinton won't be the Democratic candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election and she should accept it. There is (almost) no way she can possibly win at this point.

Obama's performance in the last weeks was better than Clinton's, while she messed up with her Bosnia sniper fire 'misspeaking', her involvement in NAFTA and her role in the peace process in northern Ireland.

And, personally, I don't understand what's wrong with a candidate who tries (and seems to succeed in) giving hope to the people, and I think it's quite obvious that it's not just hot air like Clinton tried to portray it as in the video I linked in my last post. (Just look at Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech, for example)

This post was edited on 04-02-2008 at 03:11 PM by andrey.
[Image: w2kzw8qp-sq2_dz_b_xmas.png]
04-02-2008 02:46 PM
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RE: Presidential Election 2008
The House of Representatives still holds sovereignty remember; the President cannot always pass legislation without their support, so it's not always about the president, but the party the president represents. The problem is the Republicans are seen as incompetent and full of sleaze. This means a democratic president is the way forward. But would people rather have a black president or a republican? America still has its racist roots and it could be seen as a risk to have Obama as the Democratic candidates if it will lose votes.
04-02-2008 03:18 PM
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RE: Presidential Election 2008
Winning election isn't about providing change, its about compromise. It's about vague promises, its about populism. It isn't about policies its about personalities.

I know it should be the other way round, but it isn't, the majority of your population will vote for whoever they have traditionally voted for, or whoever promises them the best deal.

Our two country's hold very much the same recent political histories which prove this. In the 90s we both had countries tarnished by the neo-liberalism of Regan and Thatcher. So along come Blair and Clinton with their third way, providing style rather than substance, and a compromise between neo-liberalism and social democracy. The "Radical Centre" has been adopted for 10 years. Now along comes Cameron and along will come Obama, who both will try to provide a compromise between the third way and neo-liberalism.

None of the candidates actually stand for much other than "Change", because people are sick of those in charge. But if they were to say how they want to change things, they will alienate voters, which is a no no.

Personally I would still vote for Obama anyway, for two reasons, if Clinton wins no one other than a Bush or a Clinton will have been in the White House since 1989, that in a country with limited terms? Sounds more like a monarchy to me. Not that you even directly elect your president.....
04-02-2008 05:26 PM
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RE: Presidential Election 2008
seriously can this shit just end already, it's driving me insane and I'm in England, must be terrible in the US for all the fucking advertisements and news must be hell!
04-02-2008 06:21 PM
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