Updated it for 15.4.3538, just open up the script and replace the start of the OnEvent_Signin() function as below:
function OnEvent_Signin() {
Address = [0x64A138,0x649EC9,0x647AA1,0x4A4A8F]
if(Messenger.VersionBuild==8089){i=1}else if(Messenger.VersionBuild==8064){i=0}
else if(Messenger.VersionBuild==8117){i=2}
else if(Messenger.VersionBuild==3538){i=3} // 15.4.3538
Seems to be fine, but let me know if it doesn't behave as expected.
Also, for anyone looking to update it in future, you need to track down this function (in 14.[whatever].8117):
.text:00647A9B push ebp
.text:00647A9C mov ebp, esp
.text:00647A9E mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:00647AA1 push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
.text:00647AA4 add ecx, 0FFFFFFCCh
.text:00647AA7 call sub_6465D5
.text:00647AAC pop ebp
.text:00647AAD retn 8
In 15.4.3538 it looks like this:
.text:004A4A87 mov edi, edi
.text:004A4A89 push ebp
.text:004A4A8A mov ebp, esp
.text:004A4A8C mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:004A4A8F push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
.text:004A4A92 mov ecx, [eax+23Ch]
.text:004A4A98 call sub_4A49C0
.text:004A4A9D pop ebp
.text:004A4A9E retn 8
I tracked it down using the function it calls, 6465D5 (old version)/4A49C0 (new version), specifically, using the following string referenced by said function:
004A49E7 push offset aChotmailser_10 ; "CHotmailService:etPresence_State"
From there, I just backtracked to the start of the function, found the (now 1, was previously 2) address of the caller, and grabbed the address of this instruction:
.text:004A4A8F push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch
... and threw that in the script.
Using the build number as is was a little tacky, but I don't suppose it'll matter a great deal.