Please list the scripts here that are...
- Preventing other scripts from parsing commands (like sunnie said)
- Scripts that use commands starting with something else than / (for example ! or .) while they do not have to. Note that some scripts have ! commands
intentionally so your contacts can trigger them, those don't need to be reported.
If any of such scripts are in the download DB i will remove them and mail the creator that his script is removed until he fixes it.
So far these are on that list:
Preventing commands from parsing!-Live/ (will be updated in a few days) updated deleted deleted
Using unnecessary ! commands instead of /
Not really related, but insecure (reported as insecure in another topic) deleted
(it may take a few days before i remove anything tough... i still cannot access certain things because of a harddisk crash
The incompatibility between StuffPlug 3 commands and some Plus! scripts that use ! commands intentionally is another story... There is nothing wrong with Plus! scripts using ! for commands when the command is supposed to be usable directly by your contacts. I think it would be best if Patchou and TB get talking together, or maybe discuss it in this topic. It should be possible to make a minor change in Plus! so SP3 can parse normal commands after Plus! without getting an error message. Or modify SP3 in a way that Plus! knows what commands SP3 use and use normal commands without errors that way.