Matty, Demandred was merely expresssing his opinon, not EVERYONE likes Microsoft, i don't know of one company where absolutely everyone is satisfied with their efforts.
The title of this thread is " Windows Codename Longhorn - Really revolutionary?"
Hence his posts are relevent in helping users of this forum and of course the many outside people that use this forum for information. Its a known fact that Windows has many security holes (i actually like M$ but still u have to admit the facts) and Demandred was merely commenting his opinon of if Windows longhorn is going to be revoluntary - which he clearly answers no.
Matty does have a point tho, so can both please quit your fighting, everyone is getting sick of it!
P.s i do think Windows Longhorn will be revoluntionary, maybe not the biggest step between technology in OS history but still none the less a big one