Originally posted by raceprouk
Music is the artform of combining numerous sounds of different pitches and other qualities to produce a pleasing form of entertainment, or to provoke emotion.
for me:
Music is a combination of things you can hear
which the creator or beholder thinks of it as coherent.
* I didn't use the word "artform", as this is very subjective and music isn't nessecairly "art".
* I didn't use the word "sounds" as this might imply certain things related to music. "Music" can consist of anything you hear.
* I certainly didn't use the word "pitches" as this certainly can imply audio only. Pitch is also not nessecairly important in music.
* I didn't use the words "quality", "pleasing", "entertainment", "emotion", etc.. as these are again very subjective somethings.
Important for me is the word "coherent". Music is exactly that, otherwise you have simply "sound" or undefined stuff you hear. But notice I underlined "which the creator or beholder", because music can be anything to any person. It is the creator or beholder who calls it music, no-one else and you may/may not agree with it; it is the creator or beholder who thinks it is coherent or not...
Originally posted by jren207
Some kind of rhythm that makes you do stuff, makes you happy/sad/work harder/motivate you/ etc. A collection of sounds...
1) Music doesn't need to have a rythem to be called music.
2) The individual sounds in the collection needs to have "a relation", it needs to be "coherent" in the eye of the creator...
Originally posted by gif83
music is something that people choose to listen to for a non-practical purpose
People can be forced to listen. Music can be very practical.
Originally posted by Veggie
I would say that music is very tightly linked to mathematics, music is art, music is a way of expressing yourself.
music, as most of us know it, is indeed very related to maths, but this isn't nessecairly so...
Music can be very non-"arty" ("art" is an even more subjective word though). Music can have nothing to do with expressing, feelings, emotions and the likes...
(and personal)O