Myth - "Firefox and Mozilla are the same"
Reality - Firefox started as "Phoenix" in 2002, an experimental redesign of the Mozilla Suite browser component. It officially became known as Mozilla Firefox in 2004. The name "Mozilla" in this case refers to the Mozilla Foundation/Corporation which develops Firefox and developed the Mozilla Suite. Official development of the Mozilla Suite ended in 2005 but continues as a community-developed product known as SeaMonkey.
I see nothing wrong in this, this doesn't mean it isn't secure. It's only about the name.
Myth - "Firefox has lower System Requirements than Internet Explorer"
Reality - Internet Explorer 6.x has much lower minimum System Requirements than Firefox 1.x.
Obviously, because IE is running 24/7 in explorer.exe and eats memory usage.
Myth - "Firefox is the Fastest Web Browser"
Reality - Opera (now 100% Ad free) is the fastest Graphical Web Browser in Windows.
Opera & Firefox do use the same rendering system, but Opera has a few modification that makes it run faster which can be changed in Firefox somewhere in about:config
Myth - "Firefox is Faster than Internet Explorer 6"
Reality - Internet Explorer 6.x is clearly faster than Firefox 1.x in 6 out of 7 measures of performance and is significantly faster from a cold start.
Firefox's part.
Again, due to the fact that it's always running in explorer.exe, it's faster.
Myth - "Firefox is Faster than Internet Explorer 7"
Reality - Internet Explorer 7 is clearly faster than Firefox 1.x in 5 out of 7 measures of performance.
Same thing, again.
Myth - "Firefox is Faster than Mozilla"
Reality - Ironically Mozilla 1.8 is faster than Firefox 1.x in 5 out of 7 measures of performance..
World's stupidest comaparision goes to them. Let's compare a red Porsche with a yellow one! They're the same.
Myth - "Firefox Achieved 150 million downloads (2-2006)"
Reality - "Oops. We recently introduced a bug into the counter and it's being fixed. We're not quite there yet. Sorry for the confusion. We accidentally counted the 20 million people who updated from Firefox 1.5 to Firefox this week."
For god's sake, they admitted they were wrong, and they didn't make a lie of it. What's the point?
Myth - "Firefox Achieved 10% Market Share in 2005"
Reality - "According to WebSideStory, a San Diego-based Web analytics provider, Mozilla's Firefox closed 2005 with 8.9% of the browser market, while Microsoft's Internet Explorer wrapped up the year with 87.6%."
Yes, they'll put it to be accurate to the .000000000000000001. It's an estimation for god's sake.
Myth - "Firefox is Secure"
Reality - Firefox is anything but Secure with multiple unpatched vulnerabilities allowing exposure of sensitive data to local users. You only need one vulnerability to be insecure. Since Firefox v1.x was released, users have been exposed to over 100 security vulnerabilities and counting.
Secunia - lists 97 security vulnerabilities in Firefox, 63 of which are rated as Highly Critical and 1 Extremely Critical.
Mozilla - lists 100 "known" security vulnerabilities in Firefox, 21 of which are rated as High and 39 Critical.
CVE - lists 142 security vulnerabilities in Firefox.
"In the excitement that surrounded its launch last year, Firefox was unreasonably portrayed by some as having unbreakable security, but the vulnerabilities that have been detected in recent months are injecting a dose of reality into this myth, analysts say."
I wonder why he wouldn't include IE's vulnerabilities?!? Plus, Firefox gets updates, I've never saw an IE update in a looooong while.
Myth - "Firefox is the Most Secure Web Browser"
Reality - Opera is actually the most Secure Graphical Web Browser in Windows with 0 unpatched vulnerabilities.
Same as Firefox, they fix the vunerabilities too there. IE never got a bug fixed for a long while.
I won't even bother finishing because it is pointless.