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1 votes - 2 average   Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Patchou, be reasonable.

We're not insulting you. The problem is, we don't like the ads, and we're just trying to let you know how strongly we feel about it.

Some misinformed people have even been saying there are 'trojans' and there's 'spyware' - well, they would, wouldn't they, if they find it in AdAware and they're not that computer-literate? If you see something saying 'possible trojan' and you don't know what adware is, aren't you gonna think 'this guy's wrecking my computer, isn't he'?

Just to let you know, I think I am the least pleased about all these ads, but I still support you. You're doing a great job and millions of people are using your software. Keep it up. Don't lose faith in us. We haven't lost faith in you.

(Edit: by the way, the word's "encouragement" ;))

This post was edited on 06-05-2003 at 05:51 PM by billywoods1.
[Image: title.gif]
Please visit my site, Lamerde, by clicking this broken picture. :mipdodgy: It's intentional. Honestly.

Contact: billy@pluslite.com (thanks to DXtremz).
06-05-2003 05:46 PM
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Messenger Plus! Creator


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O.P. RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Thank you all of you. and about the suggested improvements: I think it's already nice that I give a choice, I don't want to remind the people 10 times if they want to see ads on their computer. At some point, I have to be realistic :p. In fact, if you want to know, my sponsor tried to discourage me to put this option, telling me that nobody would install with the sponsor. Well, a lot of people do (by mistake or not) so it will be kept like that.
[Image: signature2.gif]
06-05-2003 05:54 PM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Hey, Patchou - little addition.

People don't like your software? They complain.
People do like your software? They don't.

So why do you get so many people complaining? Is it because you have so many people thinking Plus! is crap? NO! It's because the other 99.9% of people are satisfied and don't NEED to register on the forums to make a complaint.

And the rest of us? Well, how many complaints have there been? 5, 10 maybe? Let's exaggerate it... say 100. Then you have your 4 million people downloading it (which, unfortunately, I don't believe :D)... let's say it's 1 million. That means that for every one person that hates Plus!, another 10,000 like it. And don't forget, I was exaggerating the figures. If your 4 million is correct, and my memory serves ME correctly, you have about one complaint in 400,000 users.

And that's not a hell of a lot.

I fully support you, Patchou. Just know that. :gfdrin: And I'm counting on another 399,999 people to say that too before the next one complains!
[Image: title.gif]
Please visit my site, Lamerde, by clicking this broken picture. :mipdodgy: It's intentional. Honestly.

Contact: billy@pluslite.com (thanks to DXtremz).
06-05-2003 06:00 PM
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Hmm, randomness...

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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a

I support you all the way Patchou. :)
06-05-2003 06:11 PM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Patchou. Your sponsor was quite accurate. People = Selfish pigs.

Alot of the money your getting off the sponsor program is off people too silly/ignorant/lazy to read what they're getting themselves into and in all honesty they deserve it.

Anyone using the program should donate, shop or use the sponsor program.

90% of people wont do the first two and 90% of the people that do the latter do so in error, but you've got to make a living so you can eat and drink and pay the electricity bill. So I say leave it as it is or make it compulsory (If you make it Compulsory then you'll have to remove the Hide-Ad feature of the hypocrasy would be too great.)

If I was doing it i'd make  2 versions of Plus, one of which had more sounds, more features, better features and a sponsor program compulsory, and one with lesser features but a sponsor program optional. Might boost the number of people who really wanted the sponsor program.

I hope I made some sense in this post I tend to go off on one and loose the plot. :) :$
06-05-2003 07:49 PM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a

10 people? lol... wtf... you know we are more than 10!

I sort of personally know how much of work you put into Plus!, how much time you spend on it and how many nights Fraisie got nervous for your little addon. You are simply a wonderful person. I actually wonder how you didn't put an annoying 800x600 banner into your software yet. It's just an excellent piece of software. As Chris said, time is money. You could be doing thousands of other things (working and getting a generous salary, *cough* fraisieing *cough*, watching tv, playing videogames, going to the theatres, sleeping, etc...) instead of making Plus. But you are not.

Now the setup is better and makes the fact that this thing (sponsor program, adware, spyware, digital sars, nuclear bomb or whatever it is) is OPTIONAL a bit more noticeable. I still don't like the idea of having Plus! associated with Spyware (which Lop evidently is) or with crude advertising. I personally prefer compulsory plain ads on the preferences window than a mysterious addon that you don't even control or know what it does. But, still, I obviously support you in this and in the new Msn6-compatible version (in which gfdd's support should be more noticeable ;)).

So, now... Read this thread, delete some user accounts (jk), close visual c++ (don't forget to SAVE!! :p) and go to take a rest. Then, in about 14 seconds, come back and keep on coding the best messenger add-on of History.

Good luck.

[Image: attachment.php?tid=11313&pid=84027]

.jpg File Attachment: msgplus_cyrilv.jpg (10.08 KB)
This file has been downloaded 3173 time(s).

This post was edited on 06-05-2003 at 09:43 PM by Guido.
06-05-2003 09:41 PM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a

You're the man

Keep going

We are many who have faith in you

Best of luck

06-05-2003 09:46 PM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Agree completely with gfd... :) (Except for the *cough* fraiseing *cough* thing, which I don't know what is it about xd)
[Image: spaplus.gif]
06-05-2003 10:43 PM
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jeebus saves
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Great job patchou and shutup anyone that disses msn plus its a free program so dont like it go **** yourself anwyays keep up the good work hope u are able to get a plus for msn 6.0 soon i feel so lonely without it
06-06-2003 12:28 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Ok, UK mirror updated: http://bmtaylor.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/MsgPlus-210a.exe

Also, add me to the good guy list.  I can understand where you are coming from about having to install a sponsor program to try to earn yourself some spending/living money.

If my pc was MY pc, and was not used by anyone else in the house then I would install the program but with 3 kids in the house, all using my comp I wouldn't feel comfortable doing so, even though you have stated (and I do beleive you) that there isn't any adult links, etc.. installed I feel better off knowing what my kids can or can't gain access to.

TBH, if you created a 'lite' versiojn with limited extra functions for free, then a normal version with full extras & functionality and asked for, for example, $20 for a reg code, with maybe nominal fee of $5 for future upgrades (at most 4 per year, for example), I would pay as quick as I humanly could to keep Plus up to date.  I've been using plus for (IIRC) just under a year now and can't ever imagine using MSN without it.  There is no way I am going near MSN6 until I know Plus works with it, regardless that you can (apparantly) run MSN5 & 6 next to each other.

Even if you asked people to pay for the program, I still feel that a large proportion of the internet populace that are currently using Plus will gladly pay you for being able to continue using it.

Keep your chin up Patchou, ignore the mentally challenged, knuckle-dragging neandrathals that seemed to have crawled out from their rocks just to give you a slagging off, they're not worth losing sleep over.
bmtaylor75[Image: Gmail4.gif]
06-06-2003 02:56 AM
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