I posted this on a health forum but i'll never get any replies.. so I guess this is the 2nd best place to post..
I'm 14 years old and I have had braces for just under a year.
I woke up this morning to find that my front tooth was wobbly.
It doesn't hurt at all, it just moved a bit when I eat or move with my finger.
When I flossed my mouth.. the floss can go between the gum and the tooth - so there is deffonate proof it's coming out
I'm starting to worry that it's going to fall out and i'll need a false tooth.
The only this I done last night was drink alcaholic drink which I hardly ever do.. It was only 4%. I know it probely has nothing to do with it but it's something I hardly ever do and I do it one night and boom - wobbly tooth.
I'm really starting to worry and really need anyones help or advice.
If anyone can help it's much appreciated because i'm getting really worried
I'm going to book an appointment at the dentists on Monday [today being Saturday] but i'll have to wait untill Tuesday to have it looked at.. so in the meantime im going to worry my head off